Monday, December 1, 2008



As hard as it might be to believe we are now down to the last week of voting. I am not sure how everyone else is feeling, but the anticipation is killing me--I want this over with now. The only pleasure I have had the last few days is that the bullfrog seems to be doing a fine imitation of an ostrich or a ghost. There have been no reports of Stinson sightings. Some rumors have him sneaking into the Union office at night making copies of his little flyers, but he did not make it to the Plant for his Friday night "pass out the propaganda" event. You cannot blame him as he did not seem to have much success with the last time he was at the plant, though he did manage to give some of his stuff to one of the MDO's on Tour 1. I am not sure what that was about, maybe he does not know that she was an MDO he did not seem to know many of the people passing by. Maybe he was glad to have someone take his flyer and not question him about his absences and his failure perform his duties. I guess he hopes to get her vote or maybe campaign for him, though I am pretty sure that one she is not a member and two she would not support him even if she could. He is doing a good job of hiding though. One of my sources told me that he had sent an e-mail to bullfrog asking about what he agreed to with management about the reposting of Clerk jobs. My source told me that at least three different MDO's told him that Stinson had met with Lisa Shear about management's proposed changes to several duty assignments at the Plant. Of course bullfrog did not relay any information about those meetings to anyone else. For those who want to catch a glimpse of the bullfrog, he is planning a meeting in Labor Relations this Tuesday 2 Dec at 8:30am. It looks like he might be trying to interfere with some more Clerk grievances. It would be great if several members could meet him in the parking lot or even on the second floor. I am certain that he would enjoy answering questions about his credit card use or his absence from the office. It would be a great surprise.

The only surprise though, that I am looking forward to is the surprise on bullfrog's face when the last ballot is counted and he is sent packing. Though I am pretty sure that when he loses that he will not go quietly into the night. He will more than likely throw a whiny little fit and try to contest the election. He has probably been plotting his challenge out for some time. Maybe he already has some correspondence supporting his case and all ready to send out with his usual misspellings, misuse of capitalization, and excessive bold type, which he uses to really impress others. He reasoning for challenging is that he thinks that if the election is challenged that he gets to stay in office. Nice try, in spite of what he thinks, the election results will stand until any appeals are heard and a decision is made by the Dept. of Labor and even if the DOL decides to have the election run over the results still stand until the new election. We have been through this before.

Even if his appeal fails though, I do not believe that even that will be the end of it. I am sure he will probably try to sue the local or members of the executive board with whatever false accusations he can dream up. He has made the threat for years and he has a real talent for screwing things up. No matter what happens, and no matter how much dust he kicks up, the most important thing, is that through it all he will no longer be the local president. With that sweet thought kept close in mind, I believe I can make through the next few days.


Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to the vote results. December 8th can't come soon enough. Good bye Stinson!

Anonymous said...

What?!! No more Bullfog?!! Nononono!!!.? I voted for Bullfog! Yay yay yay Bullfog!

Anonymous said...

Got Stinsons campaign mailing today. The invisible president brags about how available he is - its laughable. And it tells us to go to his website - "". Check that out, folks - our current president hasn't change the current news since November 7th. I guess its been a really quiet month for him - not showing up for meetings, or for work, and all that. Life will be much better without him.

Anonymous said...

Only 5 more days until the ballots are counted - 31 days until the new president!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't decide if I should laugh or get pissed when I read Stinson's continued lies in his mailing. Looks like Randy has been getting his "talking points" from Stinson too. More lies. Stinson is to integrity as peanut butter is to nuclear fission.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the radioactive fallout has now affected Hammocks thinking. It is his own fault for hanging his hat on a radioactive pile or pile of radioactive crap, you decide.

I have heard that Stinson requested that management send all notices of Clerk duty assignment changes to his personal address. Stinson's paranoia has risen to a new level. One has to wonder when the steel ball bearings will start clicking.

In case anyone wants to know why the Clerk Annual Leave sign-up is not out, I heard that Stinson received it and is holding on to it for some reason. It seems he just wants to keep screwing the Clerk Craft.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy. Just got the latest steaming pile of bullfrog crap from the "Soldarity" ticket.

Wow. It's that bad. It's so bad, I kind of have to ease up to it, grab it with a big handful of paper towels and throw it away, quickly, before I lose my lunch.

Going from the less stinky...

Louie Deoca: As his ad is not overtly offensive, it is difficult to be critical. But, what the hell, I am difficult. It is no secret that Deoca supports Asshat in every rotten way. It is also no secret that Deoca does not show up to Union meetings, training classes, or other functions. It is impossible to imagine Deoca being the "voice" of the Local, unless the only person Deoca is speaking for is Asshat. Follow Deoca's misplaced advice and "let's head in a new and positive direction": Don't vote for Asshat and Asshat's minions. a tad bit more stinky...

Deborah Morton-Hamlet: What was said about Deoca goes for Morton-Hamlet too, and then some. I really don't know what Morton-Hamlet's message is because she is all over the map. I don't know how the experiences listed qualify her for the Legislative Director position. At best, Morton-Hamlet is confused about the enforcement of the C.B.A., what has happened to our Local, who is responsible for the current sad sad state of affairs (clue: Asshat), and what "new direction" is needed. Don't miss the sharp irony with Morton-Hamlet wanting "to see more members attend the meetings to stay involved in what is happening within your local" when she is only there on the rarest of occasions. I mean, her attendance at the Local's functions is worse than Asshat's, and believe me, that is saying something. The bottom line here is that Morton-Hamlet supports Asshat and Asshat's shenanigans. Don't vote for Asshat and Asshat's minions.

...yurk...the stink has gotten thick and nasty...before I clean away Hammock's mess, I need a break...

Anonymous said...

...ugh...the stink has moved into unbearable stench territory...

Randy Hammock: If this weren't a family blog I'd be asking "Who the F is Randy Hammock and why has he dropped this steaming turd in my mailbox?" On rethink, damn the torpedoes, I will ask and answer.

One whiff should tell you where this garbage originated: Asshat. Asshat has done such a bang-up job being "you, the membership's" president that Asshat had to reach into scabby 204b-land to gain a running mate. What? You are shocked to find out that Hammock was a scab until recently? You are surprised that someone of Hammock's integrity (read Jack London's writing on "The Scab") was a 204b? What, you must be asking yourself, does Hammock know about our Local? How could Hammock have anything to say about "a strong UNION"?

Do not be distracted by Hammock's "sour-grapes fallout, obstructionisim, slander and do-nothing reaction", because these things he is quite familiar with, mainly from snuggling with Asshat. Hammock's sole qualification to be Asshat's VP is to blindly accept whatever Asshat whispers in Hammock's ear and regurgitate it on command. Not convinced? Hammock dribbles out baseless crud about grievance representation, outright lies about long time Union activists Cogan and Dunsmore (but what do you expect from a scabby 204b?), invents "frivolous lawsuits", and pinches it off with promising not to waste your hard earned dues money if Hammock is elected Vice President. Phew! That really stinks!

But it gets worse; Hammock then asks you to take a large bite of his poo-burger by suggesting Hammock would bring, and I quote, "Positive Change, Support, and Better Representation"!

You must be f-ing kidding me! No, Randy Hammock, I don't want a bite of your poo-burger, no matter what you claim it tastes like!

Hammock also thinks that the support and endorsement of Asshat (Worst President of our Local Ever! Yay), Evelyn Dalton (Does Evelyn know she supports Hammock?), Deborah Morton-Hamlet (see other post), Louis Deoca (ditto) and Steve Clinton (Asshat's stunt double) is a good thing.

Actually, it is; Now you have no doubt as to who Asshat's minions are. Remember: Don't vote for Asshat and Asshat's minions.

...and now the putrescent stench increases yet again...can the King Turd be far behind?

Anonymous said...

The following came off of "Bullfrogs" web site. Sad but true he doesn't even know who he is.

"Sisters and Brothers, I welcome you to my web site and ask that you please fill out the registration form so can provide you with updated information in the future. Greg "Gull Dog" Stinson, President".

Anonymous said...

...ack...malodorous miasma...with the added reek of evil...

Evelyn Dalton: Right, this mailing did not inclde anything from Dalton, unless you include the "endorsement" of Hammock, so why mention it? Because (that's how you spell it, Asshat) Evelyn Dalton has been Asshat's staunchest supporter for the last three years. If that is so, why wasn't Dalton's fecal material included with the rest? Dalton apparently decided to distance herself from Asshat and partnered up with presidential candidate Ken Piper. Why, you ask? Dalton herself would be the best person to ask, I will not fib. Maybe Asshat would have asked, but Asshat didn't attend the meeting, oh shock of shocks, and Dalton didn't volunteer an explanation.

The reason Dalton did not need to include her hateful misrepresentation of the facts with the Asshat gang's dumpings is that Dalton had already left her mark in the October 2008 Poker. Twice.

These "ads" clogged the pipes and overflowed the bowl. Dalton's ordure included unfounded allegations against the truly talented and selfless Debbie Battle, somehow blaming Battle for everything Dalton perceived as wrong with the Local. Worse, Dalton took credit for Battle's accomplishments. What a crock!

Ah, but if you believe Dalton, a vote for her is to attempt to put hard feelings aside, as Dalton claims to be sick of the "same stubborness, vitriol, and vicious attacks at every membership meeting". Huh. You don't say. Perhaps Dalton really has endorsed Hammock, as Dalton appears to be selling the same filth. It matters little that Dalton has jumped shi(p) on Asshat: Don't vote for Asshat and Asshat's minions.

...please...for the love of all that is good...I can't take worse than what has passed...

Anonymous said...

Bullfog is NOT King Tud! Your mean! Why do you have poopie on you brain? Is that all thats their? Yay yay yay Bullfog!

Anonymous said...

Coming soon to a theater near you!!!


Produced and Directed by Bullfrog Stinson.

Starring Greg Stinson.

Co-Starring: Randy Hammock, Debra Morton Hamlet and Steve Clinton.

Special Guest: Star Luis Deoca.

Based on a one page novel: "Dear Brothers & Sisters, I've Been Screwed".

A true? story about the code of integrity and the life of an outcast dog and his three years of duress from the "Country Club Society". Star Stinson dedicates this movie to his caring wife who spent over $500 in postage and licking envelopes to mail information of this coming attraction.

Critics Opinion: Critics Dunsmore and Cogan said "this is the worst movie we have ever seen. This film brings forward the real truth at the end about these so called stars."

Sponsored by "Labor Donated".

In theaters now. Ends December 8, 2008.

Rated: PA (Poorly Audited)

Anonymous said...

Wow. I haven't been to this site for a day or two, and look at all the reading material posted now. I found the comment "Steve Clinton- (Asshat's Stunt Double)" funny; and "The Postal Movie Critic's" posting funny also. What a riot. A little hard to believe that Greg Stinson could actually produce, direct, and star in it without totally screwing things up. The rating would most likely be VPA for Very Poorly Audited, with some offensive language not intended for children.

Anonymous said...

Please take the time to ensure that the members you work with have mailed their ballots. We cannot afford another 3 years of the devastation that Stinson has brought to this Local.

Anonymous said...

...oh no...stench overwhelming...senses shutting down in must be what has been described as the biggest waste of human cartoon is safe...

Greg Stinson, aka Bull Dog, aka Bull Frog, aka Gull Dog, aka Bullfog, aka Asshat: The pièce de résistance that gives the Asshat gang their special fetor. The poster-boy for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The master of psychological projection (evidently soon to star in his own bio-pic/tragedy) has laid the blame for all of his personal and professional failings at the feet of others, distorting truth and warping reality in order to avoid any responsibility for his reprehensible thoughts and actions.

Asshat's latest burning bag of dog dung is filled with many easy examples of the NPD projection typical of the seriously mentally ill. For one, take Asshat's cry about finding "numerous issues with accountability for monies spent". What Asshat doesn't say is that the so-called "Country Club" (more projection) wanted Asshat to be accountable for the monies Asshat spent. Bad Eboard, bad membership. How dare you question the Great Asshat! (But we still want the money repaid, Asshat)

Asshat attempts more misdirection by claiming Brian Dunsmore "rarely showed up for work" during the first three months of Asshat's term (Asshat's Dictionary defines "work" as reporting to the Union Hall and staying chained to a desk where Asshat can ogle you at will, but only if you aren't an Asshat) while neglecting to mention that during the last three years Asshat has never never never put in forty hours of work. In fact, Asshat accidentally tells on himself, projecting Asshat's "2-3 hours 1-2 days a week" "work ethics" onto Dunsmore. Bad Dunsmore, how dare you represent the bargaining unit away from the Hall, making Asshat's absence and incompetence that much more difficult to hide.

But don't worry, leave a message on Asshat's cell phone, Asshat will get back to you. Someday. Honest. Unless you didn't leave a message, or the phone broke, or Asshat's wallet got stolen (Don't know that story? Phillidelphia must have some seriously talented/stupid pick-pockets to remove a wallet but leave the cash behind - nevermind how Asshat was able to board the plane back to Portland sans ID, it was a good thing Asshat could charge items to his room because how else could Asshat have feasted at $hula's $teak house on our dime. Hey, the DOL bought the theft story...but I digress). Whatever the reason Asshat doesn't respond to your call, it is never going to be Asshat's fault. Bad everyone, expecting Asshat to mean it when he says he is available 24/7.

But wait, I haven't gotten to Asshat's amazing attendance at our Local's meetings! Surprise! Asshat doesn't attend meetings. Hell of a thing for someone claiming "[to be] here for YOU the Membership and NOTHING else" to not show up to actually hear from "YOU the Membership". But I'm sure that is not Asshat's fault. Asshat must be too busy finding other ways to "live and breathe protecting the membership" and showing that Asshat is "100% committed to the protection of your jobs and your Union". Ugh, that reeks so bad I think I threw-up in my mouth a little bit.

Like Asshat's term of office, I have gone on far too long. Let's hope that December 8th brings an end to Asshat's dysfunctional reign of despair and we can begin to heal. I damn sure can't take another three years of Asshat's shit.

Anonymous said...

Hey Gray Writer,

Is it true that you will be at the counting of the ballots? I here they need help. Anybody who has time should show up at hall around 4:30 pm on Monday.

anonymous2 said...

Sandman, maybe 3:30 would be better. But any help would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Hell; let's all show up and count the votes. Then there isn't any problem's. DEMOCRACRY!

Anonymous said...

Greg Stinson wants to show up and count the votes also; with his stunt double Steve Cinton. Any objections?

Anonymous said...

The Bullfrog's gonna croak!

Anonymous said...

No; the Bullfrog's gonna lay a toad!

Anonymous said...

I object.

Having Stinson count votes will be no help at all; the guy can only count to ten and then he has to take his shoes off. If Stinkson can only count to ten, why would we want his stunt double to be there?

Anonymous said...

Stinson will crap on on ya and make ya think it feels good. Just like the Republicans.

Anonymous said...

What the he**l is he trying to do? Give everyone a wedgie? F**k that!

Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm Greg Stinson. your motivational speaker. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm Steve Clinton. Greg's backup motivational speaker. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Steve Clinton can kiss my ass until he actually shows up to drive all winter long, and end becoming missing in action in MVS!

Anonymous said...

Greg the "BULLDOG" Stinson is like having the chiwawa guard your front door. Unless they have a doggy treat, you're screwed.

Anonymous said...

Makes one wonder what the stunt double would do?

Anonymous said...

A good time and place to find Greg will be Monday at around 4pm at the hall, unless he's too chickensh*t to show up for the ballot count. To any members looking to the soon-to-be lame duck for answers: Be careful what you wish for - you just might get it.

Finally, look for a shakeup in the steward designations in the coming months. I think some of asshat's lackeys might be on their way to 204B status...

Anonymous said...

Breaking News: Greg Stinson claims victory in the election and name's Steve Clinton his stunt double as VP. He says no matter the election results, he ain't budging. All of you folks are wrong he says. I am king Stinson, and the rest can go to he*l. I rule! And nobody can defeat me. My sh*t doesn't stink! But everyone else's does. We are using Diebold as our election counting system, and no matter the results; I win! Now will all of you go away.

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand in Stinson's election mailing is the charge that only clerks can be president. He was elected-and he isn't a clerk.

There are capable APWU members from all crafts: Maintenance, Motor Vehicle Services and Clerks
who can demonstrate competence to lead the Union.

Let's support Brian Dunsmore for President. It's not about Craft, it's about leadership.

Anonymous said...

Believe me; Mr. Stinson's sh*t does stink, as I have had the unfortunate pleasure of following him into the restroom. I had to run out with my nose plugged.

Anonymous said...

Picture this. Greg stinson as your Santa Claus. Hop right on up and ride this kiddies. My stunt double loves it.