Monday, October 13, 2008



Well the report is out. An audit report from the Audit Committee of the local’s credit card usage, conducted at the request of the membership, was presented to the membership at the last local membership meeting. I received a copy of the report earlier, but I have held of on reporting until after the Audit Committee made their report and to allow any person who might have used the credit card enough time to find and provide receipts. Well, enough time has passed and it is time that the findings are brought to light. The findings should cause all members of the local great concern. There were some items charged for which there were no receipts on file. Two of the items have been accounted for and receipts have been provided. The remaining charges, which were all made by APWU Local President Greg Stinson, have not. The following is a list of the unaccounted items.

A dry erase board that was purchased and is not at the local office, two airline tickets to Las Vegas for $280.00 and $412.00 both of which are Stinson’s name, postage $18.40, Hotel in Medford, OR $162.80, Radio Shack $19.90, Indentrus/Digital Signature $70.00, Office Depot $29.97, Best Buy $74.99, and Bardy Trophy $56.40. The Local Secretary/Treasure has requested receipts from Stinson several times and he has refused to provide any. The Audit Committee provided a list of the charges to Stinson and requested receipts or payments and he has refused to answer. The Audit Committee has offered to meet with Stinson; he however has refused to respond. The Audit Committee took appropriate action to protect the assets of the local. The credit card was canceled and recommendations on how to avoid future problems were made for the members’ consideration. I found it not the least bit surprising that prior to the audit he refused to authorize lost time for the audit committee for the regular annual audit. Makes me wonder what else he is hiding. Although this petty misuse and failure to account could be seen as embezzlement, my concern though, is the same one that has been on going for the entire time that Stinson has been in office, that being his blatant defiance of the local membership—his thinking and acting as though he is above the members.

He has continually done things in his time in office, most of which have been brought to light in this blog or the General Membership meetings. Every time that the members have asked for an accounting of his actions or have made motions to direct him to do things he has refused. His continual attacks on members of the local along with his incompetence and inability to take charge are what have caused the local to not be as involved with other unions in the community and the community at large. He has been an abject failure when it comes to community involvement. His only focus has been what he can do to benefit himself personally or what grievances or issues he can become involved with that will get him the most political gain; his egocentric actions have indeed hindered the local. If not for the individual efforts on the part of some of the officers on the local executive board the local would have faded to complete anonymity during his term. I have a great deal of admiration and respect for those who have continued to work, whether stewards or officers for the local during this time.

Everyone knows it takes more courage to step forward and make the effort than it does to sit on the sidelines and complain and point out perceived failures. I see and hear a lot of whining sideline sitters. They are entitled to their opinion; my suggestion to them though is to step up. The time for change is at hand; become involved in the local whether it is the first time or a return to action. The October General Membership meeting on October 19 is the place to start. All members should attend and do two things. One is to question Stinson about his failure to be accountable to you the member and two to nominate someone for or step forward to be nominated for local office. Yes, the job is not always fun; things will not always go your way, but you cannot change anything if you are unwilling to be involved. The time is coming when Stinson and his self-serving blunders will become nothing more than a dim memory. I plan on being at the meeting if nothing else, but to get some answers from Stinson so that I can pass his answers or his failure to answer on the members. I for one will be glad when Stinson is out of office, if only to set my sights and focus on the misdoings of management. Until then I will continue to shine the light on the bullfrog’s blunders.

In the meantime, contact Stinson to see if you can get answers, or at least get him to the October meeting. He seems to be hiding a lot or maybe he is in some secret meeting with Lisa Shear. You can call him on his cell at 503-819-7298 or you can email him at or