Saturday, July 26, 2008



APWU Local President Greg Stinson finally has made it known; he does not have to do what the membership tells him to do. I have received several pieces of information; e-mail from Stinson, copies of information taken from his personal web site, and letters to Stinson concerning his behavior. Our local constitution states that the membership is the highest authority in the local. In other words what the membership says goes. The bullfrog though has continually demonstrated behavior that would indicate that he thinks he can do as he pleases contrary to the directives of the membership. Recently, however, he let slip and actually spoke openly of his disdain for the membership. Let me explain some of the background. Early in his term the bullfrog demonstrated a propensity to treat women working in the local office with disdain and disrespect. Several women told me that not only would he leer at them and look at them in a sexually harassing manner, but also he would talk down to them in a completely dismissive and disrespectful manner. He continues to do so to this day. In order to prevent further problems, the executive board and the membership voted and directed bullfrog to avoid being in the local office for a few hours in the morning on certain days of the week to allow the women to do their work without being harassed.. He agreed to the stipulations. Recently, though he went back on his word. He showed up to the office at a time he had agreed not to. When asked by the local Secretary/Treasurer if he would honor his agreement to stay out of the office. He told her he was not going to honor his commitment and stay out of the office for the few hours a couple of days a week so she and the other women could work in peace. She reminded him that he had been directed by the membership to do so in the recent membership meeting. Stinson responded, "Like I'm going to let the membership dictate to me when I can come into the office!" So there you have it, from his own mouth he finally confirmed what his behavior has demonstrated for over two years, that he does not care what the membership says--he is going to do what as he chooses. On top of ignoring the membership, he is not going to honor his commitments. Of course there should be no surprise there. He has demonstrated his disdain for women in particular and the membership in general the whole time he has been in office. Now, we just have it from his own mouth. I guess this explains his repeated failure to show up to meetings, as he is required to do. He is avoiding being held accountable for his actions and he does not care about the membership. Well, I have a couple of good sources that have indicated to me that they and other members are waiting to for him to make an appearance. They are going to personally going to question him; they want answers to stewards list issue, his failing to abide by membership directives, and to hold him accountable for his letters to management. Whether it is at the picnic or one of the meetings coming up in September, these people plan to get a hold of him and get some answers. They are tired of his behavior and avoidance tactics. They have been waiting for two months and are frustrated by his failing to appear, but they are most determined. I told them that since Stinson seems to want to show up unexpectedly to the office on days that he agreed not to, that maybe they should show up unexpectedly to the office also; those being Wednesday and Friday before noon. I suggested that they would have a good chance to catch him, but that they should not expect him to speak with them as does not honor his agreements and ignores the will of the membership. You can try to e-mail him, maybe he will respond, I doubt it. or

Tuesday, July 22, 2008



In case you missed it, I called it right, the bullfrog failed to show up at the membership meeting on Sunday the 20th. He has now missed more the 50% of the meetings this year that he is required to attend. He has again failed to perform the duties that he is required to perform by the local constitution. The vast majority of the members present at the meeting work full time at the Post Office and have families. They gave up their sunny Sunday July afternoon to attend. Bullfrog did not even have the respect for those members in attendance to show up. He even failed to notify anyone that he was not going to attend. If he pulled that stunt at the USPS he would have been charged AWOL and probably would be facing discipline. He is paid a very generous salary to perform certain duties. Those members who did attend were waiting for him to show. Even his few supporters seemed disappointed. I wonder how much longer they can continue to support him after he has failed so many times. Again the local vice-president stepped up and performed the duties of the President. I do not know how much longer the membership can allow this to go on. Charges were filed in the past for his failure to perform his duties. However nothing came of that due to the interference of National Officers. I believe that the membership needs to call this so called president on his failures. I do not know if the local can survive this for another 5 months. He failed to show up to the meetings over the last week. He has done nothing for the Picnic or the Golf tournament. He is nothing more then an overpaid steward. He is not worth the money we pay him.

You need to give the bullfrog a call or drop him and e-mail and tell him you want him to either start fulfilling his responsibilities or step aside and let someone else do the job.

Call him at 503-231-1797 or e-mail him at or

Saturday, July 19, 2008



APWU Local President Greg Stinson, known as the bullfrog, recently launched a selfish political attack on your representatives. This attack has been directed at the clerk stewards. He has taken well-trained and experienced stewards and replaced them with his “country club” pals; people with little or no experience. Political hacks that are only stewards in order to file grievances on their own behalf for their own self-seeking needs. It has been reported to me that these replacements have minimal training and make no attempt to attend training. One of the replacements, which bullfrog put onto the stewards list is a 204b-acting supervisor. I guess this blunder would save time as this person can meet with herself at Step 1 of the grievance process. The most destructive thing about this attack on the stewards is that it interferes with the grievance procedure. These stewards have active grievances on which they are currently working. Bullfrog’s dunderheaded and arbitrary removal of them in the middle of the grievance procedure leaves the members they are representing at the mercy of management. There are time limits in the grievance procedure. If those limits are not kept management wins. Of course management is again taking advantage of this insanely stupid stunt. Stewards showing up to meet with employees or supervisors are told to leave because they are not the stewards anymore. This is causing problems for members. Some members have even been forced to meet on their own grievances, without the training or knowledge needed to effectively deal with management. It is also putting the local in jeopardy of having charges filed against it by the National Labor Relations Board for failing to meet its duty of “fair representation” under Federal Law. It is sad enough that the bullfrog would slash up the clerk stewards lists, but his complete ignoring of the local constitution on this issue is even more demonstrative of his disdain for the members of the local.

Our local constitution allows the president to appoint stewards. The president should do so in consultation with the craft directors. If the president sees the need to remove a person from the steward list he can do so. Courtesy, though, dictates that he should at least notify the craft director and the employee—Stinson chooses to only notify management. There are some protections against the abuse of power; our local constitution grants the person being removed appeal rights. The person can make an appeal to the local executive board, which meets and hears the case and then votes to either support the removal or overturn it. After bullfrog’s latest chop job on the clerk steward list, the members appealed. The executive board properly called for a special meeting in accordance with our local constitution; the paperwork is at the local office. The bullfrog refused to attend. The board overturned the removals and directed bullfrog to put the employees back on as stewards. He refused to do so. At the next regular executive board meeting, which Stinson conveniently missed, the board affirmed its previous decision and with the absence of the bullfrog directed the vice-president to put the members back on the steward list. He did so, but when Stinson returned to work after his “miracle recovery” he sent another list to management removing the stewards again. When questioned by an employee, who managed to get through to bullfrog on the phone, as to why he removed the stewards his only response was, “I have my reasons.” Well, I also have my suspicions as to why he yanked the stewards off the list. The first one is the most obvious, political favors to his “country club political hacks.” Another is retaliation—these stewards have boldly spoken out against him on occasion concerning his improper actions and he is exacting revenge on them, at the expense of the members. The last, but not so obvious, is that he is fulfilling his pledge to management to not have certain grievances filed at University Station. I was shown the paperwork by the City Stations Director, who, by the way, was one of the stewards removed from University Station. Stinson conveniently covers University Station himself—again with the $60,000 a year steward. So I guess it I was wrong it; is pretty easy to see what is going on with that.

Members need to speak up. There is a general membership meeting Sunday, July 20 after the local’s chili cook-off. I have the feeling that it is going to be hotter during the meeting considering how the bullfrog attacks your stewards and disobeys the will of the membership.

E-mail him and ask him or

Friday, July 18, 2008



Well it is just days away from the general membership meeting and as noted your local president was a no-show for the executive board meeting on Thursday. Odds are still against him showing up because there are some members who are hot because of his foolish actions and are waiting to hold him accountable. His reason for missing the executive board was because he wanted to play steward. What is funny about that is that not only do all of the other executive board members think that this is peculiar of him, but management’s Step 2 representative for Astoria thinks it is rather strange. I was shown a fax wherein management’s rep was questioning “Bullfrog” as to why he insisted on being at the meetings when there is a highly competent steward in Astoria already and it is the usual practice of this local that the steward who filed the grievance at Step 1is the one to meet at Step 2. After that it is usually the Director of Associate Offices or the Director of City Stations that back up the stewards and help as needed. Having the “Bullfrog” spend three days and nights in Astoria is just a waste of the local’s money which by the way comes from you the member. I guess the “Bullfrog” just wanted a trip to the beach. I wonder if his wife went with him, sure would like to find out—seems that he thinks that the local is just his private “country club” there to pay for his gallivanting around. The question that should be asked though is how the business of the local is being done while the person who is supposed to run the business, who is so afraid of losing power that he involves management into the affairs of the local, is off on his self-serving and selfish adventures. Well the answer is quite simple; the rest of the executive board has been picking up the slack.

In our local constitution the general membership meeting is the highest authority—the will of the membership meeting is the final say in the affairs of the local. The constitution also states that the executive board shall run the affairs of the local between the meetings; that is what has been happening. The rest of the executive board, who except for the vice-president are part time officers have stepped forward and have kept the local running in spite of the “Bullfrog.” There are some highly qualified people who work as officers of the local. These officers work full-time for the Postal Service and normally work for the local on their time; the local does compensate for any lost time LWOP, but not overtime nor the personal or family time that is sacrificed. Furthermore, because of Stinson’s misdoings these part-time officers have had to put in more far hours than should be needed. We even have some non-paid officers and members who show up far more often then Stinson and contribute to the betterment of the local. All of this has been going on the last two and a half years while the “Bullfrog” shirks his responsibilities and shuns his duties while cozying up to management or playing shop steward--shame on him for expecting others to do his work for him.

Makes one wonder how much longer we can pay a president who is casually dumps his constitutional obligations, which he was elected to perform, off on others.
Maybe you ought to give the “Bullfrog” a call or drop him and e-mail and find out see what shenanigans he is up to now. You can call him at 503-231-1797 his cell phone is listed in the comments on an earlier post or e-mail him at or

Thursday, July 17, 2008



Well, as predicted the Bullfrog, our local president, is not going to be at the local executive board meeting today. He is in Astoria meeting on Step 2 Grievances. Never mind that the local's membership picnic is coming up in three weeks. Forget that the local has an election this year and in accordance with our local constitution an election judge needs to be selected in July. Do not worry that there is other pressing business that needs to be done, such as final plans for the National Convention in August. All of that is less important than having the local President out doing work that is normally done by a shop steward. There are people willing and ready to do the steward work. Astoria has a very competent steward. We also have an superior Director of Associate Offices who normally helps the stewards at the A.O.'s. On top of that we have a more than competent Clerk Craft Director who can and will back up the stewards at the A.O.'s, City Stations, and Plants. No, our local president thinks it is more important that he act as an $60,000+ steward and shirk his constitutional duties to manage the business of the local. Makes me wonder how much longer we can tolerate a president who ignores his responsibilities to be an overpaid steward.
You can call him at 503-231-1797 or e-mail him at or

Wednesday, July 16, 2008



The July meetings are coming so get ready for it—the amazing disappearing president is about to put on another show. It is stunning—one minute he his there and the next minute he is gone. In the past our local President Greg Stinson has put on some amazing disappearing feats. Sometimes he bolts from meetings, usually when he is being taken to task for one of his repeated blunders. He even left a general membership meeting in the middle when things became to warm for him. Frequently he does not appear at all. He puts Casper the ghost to shame. With the July meetings coming up, and there are some hot issues that are heading his way, the odds are against Stinson showing again. One might think that this ghost act would be at odds with his promises in his campaign flyers, where he stated he would make sure that that the local officers would be more available. You might think that since he is a local officer that he would now be more available, think again. Just try to call the office or even e-mail him—chances are you would only get his voice mail. Given the amount of money that he is being paid you would think that he would be doing something, other than cozying up to management, but unless you are one of his “country club good ole boys” do not expect to get an answer. This alone is aggravating, but what really takes the cake is his lack of attendance at the required meetings. Our local constitution states that officers are required to attend certain meetings. The president is required to be at the executive board, executive council, and general membership meeting. Well I guess our president must be in the Casper mode at most of the meetings this year, because he has not been seen at least ten of the nineteen required meetings this year. Do not be surprised, this is just a continuation of his antics he pulled last year. Last month he failed to appear for any of the required meetings. He did send an e-mail to some of the members of the executive board saying he was in severe pain. He said he was taking medication, was going to see his surgeon, and that that coupled with some upcoming time off should help his condition. He also stated that he would be available by phone if he was needed. So when several members tried to call him during the meeting, he failed to answer their calls, there is a surprise. However, when one of his buddies called he picked up right away—must have been some good timing on his part to be able to get Stinson as he was coming out of his drug induced stupor. Now, most of the time I do not usually question people who say they are hurting, however Stinson was unable to come to a sit down meeting on Sunday, but he was able to go meet with his management pals on Monday. Let there be praises sung for it must have been a miracle. He was able to make meetings and skulk around the Plant the rest of the week. Of course the fact that he was going to feel some heat for his letter to management and for his mangling of the stewards list, which is also being used by management to the detriment of the members, would have nothing to do with his failure to appear again. I bet that if he had direct deposit he probably would not show up at all. Makes one wonder how much longer we can pay a president who plays Casper and fails to meet his constitutional obligations simply because he can not stand the heat.
Maybe you ought to give the “Bullfrog” a call and find out see what the status of your grievance is. You can call him at 503-231-1797 or e-mail him at or gstin29803@yahoo.comCheck out http//

Monday, July 14, 2008


Well it is apparent that APWU Local President Greg Stinson continues to ingratiate himself with local USPS management. One would think that it would be the local President’s mission to protect the interests of the local and its members. He even stated in his campaign flyers that he would take an aggressive stance with management. To most people an “aggressive stance would mean not giving management the tools to undermine the stewards who work so hard to protect your rights, not so with Greg Stinson. It seems he just cannot do enough to give management whatever utensils they need to tear the local apart. In the past he sent out a letter to management saying that unless he had signed a letter releasing a union representative to do union work then they should not be released from their work areas to do union work. It was a clumsy oafish attempt to exert control over the other members of the executive board. What happened was that management started to deny employees the right the see a steward as they did not have an authorization from the “Bullfrog.” After several of the members of the executive board took him to task he sent out a letter rescinding the “release for union activities” letter. After that you would think that he had learned his lesson about not involving management in the affairs of the local—not so. In May, in another poorly thought out ham-fisted attempt to have absolute dictatorial control of the local he involved management again in the affairs of the local. He sent out another letter to Management, Labor Relations in particular, stating that he had exclusive authority to designate Union representation, based on Article 17 of the National Agreement. Well guess what, Article 17 does not give the Local President exclusive authority to designate union representation—it gives the Union the right to designate representatives. Stinson went further and stated that he never gave the Local vice-president or secretary-treasurer the authority to designate union representatives, a practice that has been in place for years and which helps to protect the rights of members and the grievance procedure. Now one can only imagine the fun that management is having with this howler of a blunder. Grievances that do not get settled at Step 1 or 2 are usually appealed to Step 3 by the local vice president. However, Stinson’s clumsy attempt to control the local has given management a great tool to use against the members of the local. Management has taken up the instrument of stupidity and is trying to use it to get grievances tossed out. That means that any disciplinary issue, pay issue, or duty assignment that was properly grieved has been declared null and void by our local president. Management is now challenging any grievance that was appealed to Step 3 without Stinson’s signature. This will have serious consequences for all of the members of the local. If you have had a grievance filed that was sent to Step 3, maybe you ought to give the “Bullfrog” a call and see what the status of your grievance is. You can call him at 503-231-1797 or e-mail him at or
Makes one wonder how much longer we can allow a president who continues to work with management and trample over your rights.