Saturday, November 22, 2008




In what has to be the most brilliant example of 110% dedication with 24/7 availability and working 40 hour weeks Greg Stinson has disappeared. He has not been seen at the office all week, nor has he been in contact with anyone who matters during that time. Just to refresh the memory he has also did not show to the Executive Board meeting over a week ago. This has to be some super secret campaign technique since no one can figure it out. Someone please help me understand his secret plan. Maybe he is just pouting after Evelyn Dalton made a mailing with one of his opponents Ken Piper. Who knows? Along that line be sure to read Burning Ember 22 and the comments on Burning Ember 25. These really shed some light on the lack of experience and dedication on these two candidates.

Something else to be considered, the business of the local has been kept running in bullfrog's absence, like it has for the last three years by the other members of the executive board and the local's office staff. Which clearly shows that we need to keep these people.

Please vote.

I cannot explain the sheer joy I felt when I marked my ballot, knowing that the local's nightmare will soon be over.


Anonymous said...

bullfrog did manage to be at plant friday night for the tour 3/1 shift change. He and one of his vp running mates and new best friend Susan came to pass out campaign materials and try to tell the tour 3 auto clerks that they had not been denied the end of tour washup (despite managemnts threats of discipline if anyone took one). He killed the greivances on that issue because his chief of staff, Lisa Shear told him to. Don't know why he was outside the door since what little he has done at the plant was stand with management against the clerks and stewards. He even critisized Dunsmore for swearing (the word was bullshit) in the presence of the acting plant manager who has been so abusive that even the Post Office is investigating her and her hand picked lead MDO. He probably thinks management gets to vote in our elections. If they did I can guarantee they'ld vote for stinson. stinson has been the
best thing thats happend for management ever.

Anonymous said...

Yes; I too ran into Mr. Stinson upon entering the top floor from the garage for tour 1. The first time was a few days ago where I was handed the flyers for his election campaign. Then again last night where he and others were about to hand me that crap again when I said I had already mailed in my ballot. I too felt good about not have casting my ballot for him. Let it ride! We will all be better in the long run...

Anonymous said...

SO let me see if get this right.
1. Stinson does not show at the last union meeting of the year.
2. He has not been at the union office all week. 3. He shows up all well and better to disribute campaigne materials with Randall (?) and the University steward Susan at the MOU shift change. Unbelievable. Oh well, hopefully the members that he did have contact with know better and told him what he could do with his literature. He certainly has Susan spellbound. Oh Yuk.
VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE for the change we need. Dunsmore and Cogan

Anonymous said...

My friend works at Mt.Hood DDC and he said Stinson was there on Sunday putting "bull dog" pins on break room tables. That's the same Sunday that Stinson was too sick to go to the e-council and general membership meeting. Is this what the members want from an elected officer?

Anonymous said...

The super secret campaign technique that Stinson is using that few can figure out: spend more time (24x7) at 110% dedication to your election campaign printing up and ordering stuff that nobody wants so as to not get re-elected. It's more important than doing what you were elected to do. Huh? Don't get it? Me either.

Anonymous said...

Drawing For $$$ at Membership Meetings

by Greg "Bull Dog" Stinson, President

The Portland Oregon Area Local conducts a drawing at each Genral MembershipMeeting, from the list of ALL members of our Local. IF you are fortunate to have yourname drawn, AND you are in attendance at the meeting, you would win what ever the cash prize is at. In accordance with our rules, the cash prize can reach up to $500. There have been numerous members who would have won $200-$300 had they been present at the meeting. I urge you to start coming to the General Membership meetings so you can 1) let your voice be heard, and 2) have the chance to win some cold hard cash. He should take his own advice and show up sometime!

Anonymous said...

Folks, it's a bit funny what one can find doing a Google search for Greg "Bull Dog" Stinson. The following was copied and pasted directly from his web site. Notice the spelling. And no, I didn't change a thing to it: Sisters and Brothers, I welcome you to my web site and ask that you please fill out the registration form so can provide you with updated information in the future. Greg "Gull Dog" Stinson, President

Anonymous said...

Why should Stinson attend a meeting to win money when he gets paid $65k and doesn't attend any meetings, or come to the office, or represent the membership, or...?

Anonymous said...

Ask the President

(This page is for the purpose of answering any questions posed by members of the Portland Oregon Area Local. Simply send an email to President Stinson at, or to PO Box 5574, Portland Oregon 97228. I will present the question and my response in the column.)

Over the past two years several important questions have been asked of me over and over again. Here is my response to those frequently asked questions.

Question #1: Why don't we see the President's articles in the Poker?

Answer: There are three main(3) facts which will allow you to draw your own conclusion and also answer some other concerns about the turmoil in our Local. Fact #1 is Editor Anna Smith has an extreme DISLIKE for President Stinson, Fact # 2, Editor Anna Smith has personally admitted to President Stinson that she has been and IS having a relationship with VP Brian Dunsmore, who wants VERY Badly to be President, and Fact # 3, Editor Anna Smith feels that by NOT allowing the President's Voice to be heard via the Poker, the membership will NOT Re-Elect him. She feels these actions will allow her current roommate, VP Brian Dunsmore to be elected to the Office of President.

So as a result of the above FACTS, my articles have either NOT been published at all or have been severly edited to keep important internal facts from the membership.

Question: Why has there been soo much internal fighting rather than working to represent the membership?

Answer: Much of the turmoil we've experienced over the past three years is due to several issues I would like to enlighten you on at this time:

1. Members of the Executive Board were UPSET because I "challenged" the figure head leader of their "country club group." simply because I was NOT a Clerk.

2. Members of the Executive Board were UPSET because they believe if you are NOT a Clerk, you can NOT be President of this Local.

3. Members of the Executive Board were VERY UPSET because I chose to have the APWU National MVS Director perform the Installation of Officers instead of an Officer from the Clerk Craft.

4. Members of the Executive Board have been VERY UPSET with me because of my ATTEMPT to make VP Brian Dunsmore WORK 40 hours for 40 hours of pay and for issuing him a Letter of Warning for POOR attendance in early 2006. My attempts to charge him leave for times he was not working finally came down to Sec.Treas. Debbie Battle informing me "I ONLY charge him with leave when HE tells me he took it!"

5. Many of your Executive Board members have been VERY UPSET with me simply because I DO NOT simply LAY DOWN and Let THEM run UNCONTROLLED, like some of my predecessors did.

**Point of information #1- A long time steward, Titus Myuela began to be harrased so much by members of the "country club" simply for the fact he supported me, that he resigned his position as steward. When that did NOT Stop the harrassment, he began to supervisor in an attempt to eliminate the hassament he was recieving for his REFUSAL to stop supporting me as President.

**Point of information #2 - Past Maint. Director Ken Horn attempted to remain neutral, but was harrassed so much at the 2006 National Convention, but the "country club" that he finally "gave in" and began attacking me. He finally got so fed up with the turmoil, that is pursuaded him to resign from his Union position and go directly into managment.

My duties are to Protect the Interest of ENTIRE Membership, NOT Special Interest Groups such as the "Country Club." And in order to do so, some decisions are tough and some people get upset, but that is Life. The above is posted on Stinsons site for those who don't have a username and password.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting Stinson's website content for those of us who aren't part of his country club. When should we begin correcting the lies he has posted?

Anonymous said...

I have been wanting to write here for quite some time and now I finally have a chance. I have been an APWU member for quite a few years and have seen Presidents come and go... In fact I use to be one of them!
I must comment on the way this President does his duties, This guy is crap! He doesn't know what the hell he is doing! He is an MVS driver who could care less about us clerks. He doesn't know the contract, Is an embarrassment to all of us wherever he goes to represent us, and quite frankly has messed up way too much to forget. Whether it be the Porn
on the Union's computers, the constant staring at females upper halves while talking to them, to the blatant disregard of maxing out his Union paid credit card with no intention of ever paying it back.Settling grievances that we would have won hands down! This man has sided with management on several occasions and has messed up so many grievances its pathetic. He has been to about 4 or 5 meetings that I can remember and has his Vice President running the show for him 98% of the time. National has heard from him so many times (crying to them) that they won't even return Portland's calls unless it is from another member or representative other than Mr. Stinson! Call the office and ask him a question about any clerk issue and I'll guarantee you that
you will A. get the wrong answer, B. get nothing but silence, c. Get forwarded to Mr. Dunsmore, or D. all of the above!
Remember, if you vote for Stinson, Piper, Dalton, Hammock, Morton-Hamlet, then you are on your own.

Anonymous said...

You are welcome for Stinson's posting from his web site. And no, I am not a country club member either, nor do I even have a username or log-in credentials to his site. This one posting I copied and pasted was open to all, maybe by mistake; but I got it. And I didn't even have to hack into his site to get it. Enjoy! I bet there is much more on there if one were able to log-in?

Anonymous said...

By the way, Stinson's "Ask The President" as of this time is still wide open to anybody without logging in at this time. Just go to his site and in the column on the left under member resources click on Ask The President in that column. Read it right off his site directly! I am posting as anonymous; but I am an MVS Driver who knows a little about Greg Stinson. Wish I knew less really!

Anonymous said...

Also remember; if you vote for Steve Clinton as MVS Craft Director, you most likely get Greg Stinson again. Go figure...

Anonymous said...

Do we really want a weak knee'd MVS Craft Director in Steve Clinton who is afraid to show up on winter days for fear of having an accident, who has done that continuously in the past, for a new MVS Craft Director? And do we want Steve Clinton, if elected, to step down and hand it over to Greg Stinson as our MVS Craft Director; should he not be re-elected as president? We have been there and done that before and I don't think most want to go there again. What kind of campain is that eccept but to be a minion for Greg the "BULLDOG" Stinson? I say "BULLSHIT." Vote Ralph McEvers for MVS Craft Director again for the experience factor if nothing else! At least he has driven more than Stinson ever did as MVS Craft Director. And he has had time to learn the job where as Steve Clinton would be starting from scratch.

Anonymous said...

What? Steve Clinton used to drive those orange Schnieder trucks who waited for the snow to melt before continuing. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...

Anonymous said...

What a big strapper huh?

Anonymous said...

The impacts occuring at Plant need to be considered. With a 20% reduction in Tour 2 Mail Handler positions on Sunday, can clerk positions be far behind.

What is this Union leadership doing to mitigate the fear and uncertainty being spread by management?

Anonymous said...

If you go to you'll see that national has filed labor charges against the PO for the elimination of Tour 2 operations. Should the local do the same?

Union Gal said...

I don't believe the comments from blogger DIANNE R, are from the real Diane Randall past president of the local 1991 or so. The spelling of her name is incorrect and I beleive she is still in the hospital. So what is up with that.
It would be wise not to impersonate another "candidate" on this blog.

Anonymous said...

My ballot and vote is in. Sorry Greg, time to hang it up. We need leadership that is more than huff and puff or I'll blow the house down management style. And someone who will actually show up and do the job. Your days are numbered in your current position. Guess it's back to driving truck again?

Anonymous said...

Question #1: Why don't we see the President's articles in the Poker?

Answer #1: Um, have you seen his articles? If he turns one in, and this is a huge if, once you remove all of the personal attacks and correct the spelling mistakes, there ain't a whole lot left.

Question: Why has there been soo much internal fighting rather than working to represent the membership?

Answer #2 : Recall what was said about the quality of Stinson's articles. This question is an attack on almost everyone else involved with the local. But I digress. The answer is simple: Greg is an asshat.

**Point of information #1- A long time steward, Titus Myuela began to be harrased so much by members of the "country club" simply for the fact he supported me, that he resigned his position as steward. When that did NOT Stop the harrassment, he began to supervisor in an attempt to eliminate the hassament he was recieving for his REFUSAL to stop supporting me as President

Correction to Asshat's "**point of information #1" : Titus Muyuela was a steward and resigned for his own reasons. Is Asshat really trying to say that Muyuela was so fragile a personality that he fled the horrible hostile environment created by the Union into the open arms and comforting bosom of Postal management? Really? No. But it does demonstrate Asshat's true depth of brotherly love for management.

**Point of information #2 - Past Maint. Director Ken Horn attempted to remain neutral, but was harrassed so much at the 2006 National Convention, but the "country club" that he finally "gave in" and began attacking me. He finally got so fed up with the turmoil, that is pursuaded him to resign from his Union position and go directly into managment.

Correction to Asshat's "**point of information #2" : Was there at the 2006 convention. Did not see much of Asshat at all, but I did spend a lot of time with everyone other member of the Portland delegation. No harassment of Ken Horn took place. Period. Ken Horn went into management for his own reasons, largely having to do with how his retirement was affected by the amount of time he spent on representational activities. But hell, don't listen to me, or to Asshat, ask Ken why he went into management.

If you vote for Asshat this time around, I sincerely hope you get all you deserve.

Anonymous said...

I like I'm a Monkey's thinking, and found his posting a bit funny. One thing I dissagree with though is correcting the spelling for Stinson's poker articles. Heck; I would have put it out there as is and let everyone see it as such. Then he would probably accuse someone of mistyping his articles. But all one has to do is visit his web site and find more. Spellcheck anyone?