Saturday, November 8, 2008






Ballots will soon be out. I already listed out those whom I endorsed for office. Bullfrog's misdoings have been numerous and therefore had to be summarized and listed. It is my opinion that in order repair the local and make it strong again we have to keep these things in mind when we vote.

  1. Stinson completely ignores the will and direction of the membership.

  1. Stinson refuses to be accountable for his actions to members of the local.

  1. Stinson has, at the very least, misused local funds and refuses still to account for the use of those funds.

  1. Stinson, either intentionally or in clumsy attempts to gain control of the local, gives tools to management to use against the local, that being letters changing long standing policy and procedure, giving management unprecedented power and say in the internal workings of the local. He is fast becoming management’s favorite tool.

  1. Stinson kills grievances and enters into agreements secretly with management to the detriment of the interests and needs of the local members.

  1. Stinson actively sought to have APWU National put the local under trusteeship, even to the point of begging. He admitted to doing so in several meetings. The trusteeship cost the local a lot of money. Stinson was seeking to take away the right of the local members’ to change the local constitution.

  1. Stinson works mostly for his own craft, ignores maintenance craft, and attacks the clerk craft.

  1. Stinson rarely shows to the union office, yet in a blatant double standard he insists that other officers be at the office on a schedule he dictates. He went after the local vice-president for allegedly not being at the office, yet he rarely makes an appearance himself.

  1. Stinson continually violates the local constitution. He fails to meet even the most basic of requirements; that of attendance at the Executive Board, Executive Council, and General Membership meetings.

  1. Stinson failed to meet any of his campaign promises. One in particular, he promised to “take an aggressive stance with management,” the only aggressive stance he has taken has been against union members, such as the other members of the local executive board and any member who supports them.

I have seen or have in my possession all the documents that support all of the above reasons. For further details, feel free to review the archived blogs on this site.


Anonymous said...

I could give you more than 10 reasons; but OK, we'll go with what you have! Change we need, and it isn't Greg Stinson again. Get out the vote.

Anonymous said...

The hardest job facing the next administration is to fix the problems caused by Greg during the last 3 years.

Experienced leaders will be required in order to know what to fix, and how to fix it.

Anonymous said...

Can we for a moment forget about the current president and discuss the issues we need the new leadership to address?

-the Top 10 reasons jobs are being lost

-the Top 10 ways to protect your job

-the Top 10 ways management's decisions have lost jobs and business for the Post Office

-the Top 10 ways to help the Local

Do APWU members want more of the same?

Anonymous said...

Can we for a moment forget about the current president and discuss
world peace, spiritual enlightenment, curing cancer and global warming. Maybe over cofee and donuts? It would be so much easier then trying to change for the better that which we can have a direct impact on this next month.

Anonymous said...

I think that both anonymous posters #3 and #4 could have some of their concerns addressed by voting in the upcoming local election. Although some of #3's list cannot be corrected solely on a local basis, the fact remains that local officers can be a conduit of information to the membership. Imagine if the local officers didn't have to spend their time protecting the local from the actions of the president and could completely devote themselves to fighting management's actions instead. Imagine a president who can bring the other elected officers of the E-board (yes, don't forget they're elected by the membership also - not just the president)together to educate, stimulate, agitate, and motivate the membership to a plan of action. We have about 1300 members in this local. What if half of the membership wrote or called their congressperson in support or opposition of a bill that would affect our jobs? What if more than 10 members showed-up for the informational pickets that we have held in the past? I believe electing the proper officers that can work together toward the improvement of the local is vital in this election. Electing officers with vision and a proven record of service is essential. I want a president that "presides" over the local, and doesn't try to rule it like his/her own kingdom. I want officers that don't waste my time with attack ads against their opponents in the POKER, especially if they attempt to paint themselves as above that sort of thing (hello? Evelyn?). I will not vote for Stinson, Randall, Dalton, Deoca, Morton-Hamlet, or Clinton. That doesn't leave too much mystery as to who I will support with my ballot. We need forward-thinking leadership that will serve the membership and not their egos. There is a lot of potential in several of these candidates, and we need to tap into that potential to address the problems that will face us in the future. VOTE!

Anonymous said...

We all know how it will go-the loser(s) will file charges against the local and the the election will doubted and its results tarnished by losers.We must surely be a laughing stock to other unions in the region, state and nation.

Curing cancer seems a lot more worthwhile than voting in this election. Donuts are tasty, too.

Anonymous said...

If you truly believe that, then you have nothing to lose by voting. You can stand back and watch the circus begin after the election with a clear conscience, knowing that you exercised you right (duty) to vote for the candidate of your choice. Your voice has been heard - and no appeal can tarnish your conscience.
Maybe I'll bring donuts to the ballot counting in December. I hope you'll be there.

Anonymous said...

Let me shine a light on something. In MVS as our Craft Director Mr. Stinson lost all of our personal information due to a break in into his vehicle. We in MVS were forced to put an identity theft protection on our credit records. Though we were promised a report, nobody ever received one. The case #0416682 with Gresham officer McCormick is all we have from 12/15/2004. A lot has transpired since then. Now recently there is a statement about Mr. Stinsons use of union credit cards in Philadelphia,PA during the APWU National Convention. He claims he lost his wallet. Well; that should easily be proven by a need to get another drivers license and such. Most recently the Las Vegas,NV National Convention where he once again abused his credit card privaleges. Did he lose his wallet again or is he just abusing the system? Who wants a union president who cant even hang on to his wallet, let alone other's personal information. There have been other instances down at the local union hall which compare to this scenario. Is this what we want for another term? Is he an idiot or a liar or both? Dig deep and get the facts before you vote! Vote for change and get rid of Mr. Stinson as your local President.

Anonymous said...

We all need to get the vote out. We cannot afford another three years like the past three. It is obvious that the members of the E-board and the majority of those in attendance at membership meetings are all on the same page. Stinson seems to think that solidarity means blindly following him all the time.

Anonymous said...

YOU IDIOTS......!!!!!
24/7 means he will be available for 24 minutes every 7 months......the planets are not aligned yet to provide him the opportunity to actually attend a meeting. After doing extensive research on planet rotation, I believe he will be at the October meeting in 2087.....but only for 27 minutes.....patience is needed here.