Sunday, November 16, 2008





The election is just around the corner and the propaganda is starting to flow. I just received a copy of Sinson's little flyer and it is just amazing how many unsubstantiated "facts" the bullfrog is slinging around. Aside from the misspellings, poor grammar, and improper word usage which though distracting, have become Stinson hallmarks, he throws out a lot of stuff that just seems to be him projecting. For those who do not know what projecting is it is when a person assigns or credits their feelings or weaknesses to another person--something that Stinson does regularly. For example, in the flyers that I received, Stinson makes reference to "the Country Club Executive Board." The problem is that the term is so undefined that no one knows what the heck is he writing about. He uses this inflammatory language in an attempt to defame the other members of the executive board, yet he fails to define or support his contention or even provide the smallest of examples to support it. Some questions do come to mind though that demand answers from him.

For example, is he speaking of the current executive board? Since he is on the executive board does he include himself? How is it that the executive board is a "Country Club?" What do they do that makes him think so? Just so you know, he is a member of the executive board and the only one who makes purchases with the union issued credit card and refuses to account for his purchases, things like extra airline tickets to Las Vegas. He is the one who was investigated by the Department of Labor for misuse of the union credit card at the National Convention in Philadelphia. He is the one who gets paid to be at meetings and fails to attend. At last count, he has only attended 5 of the 28 meetings so far this year. He is the one that sends letters to management that harm the local. He is the one who pulls grievances, sells out stewards, and makes backroom deals with management for his own benefit. He is the one who is being paid to do a job, however, according to my sources, he failed to even show up at the office all day last Thursday or Friday or explain what Union related business he might be on, though he might have been on union business, if you count campaigning for local office as such. These actions all seem to demonstrate a "Country Club" attitude more than anything else, yet he wants to project his "Country Club" attitude and behavior onto the other members of the executive board.

However, let me point out that eight of the ten executive board members work full time at the Post Office and have to give up time from work and families to perform their union duties. Someone needs to explain to me how giving up overtime, vacation time, and family time constitutes a "Country Club." Stinson needs to stop projecting his faults onto others. Stinson needs to answer and be held accountable for his actions, a real man would.

Some members are going to question him at membership meeting to get answers. It should prove to be an interesting meeting. You should be there to get answers as well--and then when you receive your ballot you should hold him accountable for his actions and send him away.


Anonymous said...

The ultimate politician; spew out a bunch of words and sentences with verbs and nouns and such that in the end don't mean a thing and leave one wondering what the h**l he said. We've recently seen in other elections what the people think of it. Let's hope this election results in another landslide defeat of this propaganda stuff like we recently saw in the presidential election of this country. I'm predicting Greg's electoral votes will be miniscule.

Anonymous said...

Lets talk about the other candidates and their programs and challenges.

Let's face it, we will need something else to talk about anyway...after the election.

The past will be history.

Anonymous said...

Well I would like to see that I was very disappointed in Dalton's campaign AD. It was inflamatory and I find it hard to believe that she singlehandedly got this mortgage paid off and saved this local. I think she takes too much credit when others were involved. I think it is a shame that she had to stoop that low in this campaign. I personally believe that Battle has done an exlempary job and their should be no complaints there. It was nice to see that others, in both camps with the exception of one, did not stoop to mud slinging and they stuck to the issues of what they can bring to their respective office if elected.
PS: You hope that the candidates indicate what they can do for the office for which they are running, not just run of the mill, I am Great and look at me, fluff.

Union Gal said...

I agree with writer #3 I could not have said it better myself.

Anonymous said...

well, blogger #3 should check the spelling before it is printed. Other than that I also agree, our current treasure/secretary has been doing 2 jobs as the office of secretary and treasure were combined per a constitutional change prior to the last election I believe. Dalton did an okay job as treasure but I believe Debbie's capabilities and ethics are stronger than Evelyn's. I did not like Dalton's derogatory ad in the Poker. Just my opinion.

anonymous2 said...

Dalton has nothing to offer but attack, attack, and attack. So much for her claim that she is changing the direction of the local. She is attacking members of the e-board that she may be working with. Can you explain to me how that is different from the problems she claims the local currently has? Debbie Battle is the best candidate, and went to the membership with all of the budget concerns. I would rather have full disclosure and transparency with my dues - I'm voting for Debbie.

Anonymous said...

Was it the Dalton Duo who sided with the Bullfrog initially?

anonymous2 said...

Yes, when Stinson was initially elected they supported him. But they didn't like him when they were previously on the e-board. Guess they saw him as their chance to get back into power. Look at Evelyn now. She is on Stinson's ticket, but sends out her latest lie-filled mailing with Piper. "Any port in a storm" is a saying that comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

Long Live Bullfog! I love Bullfog! Would you please excuse Bullfog from all meetings because his tummy hurts? Yay yay yay Bullfog!

Anonymous said...

Do ya all know that the picnic and retirement dinner are major projects for Debbie Battle. Debbie and the other people who help her with these projects need to be commended. She has gone above and beyond the call in her duties as Sec/Tres.

Anonymous said...

Now that some of the campaign material is coming out just before the ballots get mailed, most know whom they will vote for; but those who are unsure or undecided have little time to get true unbiased information. Of some campaign material mailed out to me, one about made me fall out of my chair laughing. This was Steve Clinton's for MVS Craft Director. He claims he will work his bid days and hours as much as possible and try to drive some of his route every week. I am pretty certain that won't last very long and he will enjoy the 40 hours a week of union time just as much as our current and previous craft directors have. If elected he will need as much time as possible to learn the job. Then he goes on to state: "Make Ralph earn that safe driving award he gets each year." This coming from someone who by my count has called in sick every winter at the first sign of snow and ice for the past three to five years now in a row, so as not to have an accident. The attendence records prove what I am saying. Now I agree that Ralph may be into his position just for himself some, but I also agree that Steve would be very much the same also, in time. With emergency contracting out of our work and jobs a very real possibility daily, I don't think a new inexperienced craft director is what we really need at the moment. Between the two candidates for this position, the only real main difference is the experience factor. That is why I will vote to stay the course on this one. And yes; I actually have seen Ralph drive, way more than Mr. Stinson did as our previous craft director. As a previous article on this site stated that Clinton is a minion for Stinson has a lot of truth to it. I personally will not vote for Stinson as our president, and I do not want to see a scenario where Clinton would step down if elected, and let Stinson take the reigns again as our craft director. No way, no how; not with my vote!

Anonymous said...

How about that "Joe The Plumber" huh? If Greg Stinson doesn't get re-elected to president, it may mean something simmilar for him. That is if he can't get re-certified for the DOT Medical Card that is required for driving in MVS. Or if he doesn't retire or go on some sort of light duty or take another position with the postal service. I personally would love to see that. It may be what he deserves for what he has done.

Anonymous said...

I think our current local union president deserves to be flushed down the toilet on this election. How about you?

Anonymous said...

Flush; Swish...

Anonymous said...

Turd's should be flushed down the toilet. It's just plain crap!

Anonymous said...

Turds? Oh stinkypoo! Not for me. Yuck. Smells like crap.

Anonymous said...

YES WE CAN. Think positive.

Anonymous said...

The Union needs to prepare itself for legal action. Those who fail to be elected (losers) will not lightly accept their fate.

As immature, unrealistic, and elitists they will try to have doubt cast upon the vote and hope to win through the back door.

Only when the will of the membership has spoken will this nightmare end.

Anonymous said...

Ballots arrived in most homes today. Fill them out now and mail them in. Sign your return envelope or your vote will not count. Don't let the talk of possible complaints by the "non-winners" stop you from casting your vote. Let your voice be heard and your vote counted. VOTE VOTE VOTE

Anonymous said...

If the Department of Labor finds a problem with our local election, it will be re-run. There is no "back door". The elected officers will take office until a re-run is completed. Some may believe that if they appeal the election they will remain in their current office, this is not true. We will still have the opportunity to vote on who our leaders are. I just hope that it does not come to that.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe Dalton. Attacking the very people she hopes to serve with on the Executive Board. Is this the way to "move forward". She seems to talk out of both sides of her mouth. She says the members do not speak up about budget items, has she been to a recent E-Board meeting? And then to say that if the member does speak up they are attacking the other officers.
Hey Dalton, Is the membership suppose to allow the officers of this union to use union funds with out question? Is the membership suppose to just allow the officers to get paid and not perform the duties as required by our constitution. I don't think so. Every member should call every officer on anything, anytime. Don't forget, most, if not all, of the officers are or have been stewards. It is in their nature to question, confront and fight for what they believe in. If they did any less, they would not be effective as stewards.
Thanks to all the officers and stewards who have served us for the past three years. You do what the majority of us will not. For that, I thank you.

Anonymous said...

Please lets thank all the people WHO have tried to keep things together with OUR union. If it wasn't for Brian, the Eboard and the Stewards we'd be screwed worse by Bullfrog. As it is he has spent OUR hard earned dues on EXTRA airline tickets and who knows what else along with an expensive trusteeship. Now he threatens lawsuits if he looses the election. GROW UP BULLFROG. I vote for BULLFROG to be Lisa and Mark's GOFUR.

Anonymous said...

Lawsuits if Stinson doesn't win the election? The first I have heard of that one. Why? Because the members who pay dues and are allowed the right to vote did not vote for him? It's a democracy, somebody ought to explain to him just what that is.

Anonymous said...

Let's quit being victims. We get what we expect-let's expect better this time.

Anonymous said...

Received my ballot in the mail yesterday. Am going to cross my t's and dot my i's so to speak, and make darn sure that there aren't any hanging chads. I'm flushing the bullfrog. Tidy Bowl style.

why not said...

I just mailed may Union ballot
I will be anonymous no longer
I am Alesia Reese
I am a member of the Clerk Craft
I am a member of the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO
I am honored to serve the American public.

Anonymous said...

Your future and the future of our local union is in jeopordy. Vote informed and responsibly. Make sure your vote counts by following all of the instructions. And do mail it in time to be counted. This is what it takes to either make changes or stay the course. You pay union dues for this, why not vote your choices. We don't need a low turnout here, we need a large turnout. Didn't the Obama campaign teach you something there? If your vote actually gets counted there is strength in numbers. And your vote should actually be counted, correctly!

Anonymous said...

Worst President ever. Bush or Stinson? Maybe both. You decide.

Anonymous said...

MVS Craft Director: Do we really want change in someone who is too weak in the knee's to show up on a snow day to drive for fear of having an accident? Isn't that part of the job? Is this what we want as our new MVS Craft Director? What else is he scared to do, go upstairs and deal with managment? Maybe he's just looking for that cushy job to dissappear and do little? Wrong time to do that my friend.

anonymous2 said...

It seems most of us are agreed about Stinson. What about Piper? I have known him a few years, and he always seemed to busy with his "other" jobs (he works outside the po) to actually do much work for the members. I know for a fact that during an arbitration he blew off doing a brief and submitting it to the arbitrator (that's a huge no-no). The union lost the case. Do we really want someone who is too busy with outside jobs and other activites to fight for the members? Or too lazy to do the work the members require of him? Sounds like Stinson, part II.

Anonymous said...

Along with his other jobs, I believe that Mr. Piper has demonstrated a lack of commitment to the local in particular and unions in general by rarely showing up to meetings and by supporting openly such anti-union and anti-employee organizations such as Wal-Mart (Burning Ember 22). We cannot afford a local president who is not committed to the cause and would put us at odds with the other Unions and their members in our community, especially those like the NW Labor Council who need our support in these difficult times. I say no to Mr. Piper.

Anonymous said...

On Dalton: lets not forget that in her support of Stinson she, her husband and Stinson planned for a week and then knowingly made a false police report against the local and members who had brought charges against Stinson for the sole purpose of disrupting one of the trials and having the police remove the evidence against Stinson. She also filed false complaints with management and the postal inspectors against members who had filed charges against Stinson. Now in her flyers she seems to be saying that, if elected, she would make it difficult for stewards to be reimbursed for time taken off their jobs to represent members (union LWOP) and not allow members to adjust the budget when necessary. It seems that her priority would be to bank in savings money instead of using it to represent them members. She also voiced her opinion that an employee of the union should lose her job for complaining of sexual harrassment by Stinson.

Anonymous said...

Makes one want to clean house and vote them all out, which is understandable. I'll start at the top. But we also do need some experienced elected officials in to manage and run things. Without that, management may have a hayday with all new union officials. I am a little split on that issue, but figure give some another term to redeem themselves, if not there may be more housecleaning the following election.