Wednesday, August 20, 2008



Just a quick report. It has only been a few days at the National Convention and the bullfrog is showing his colors. After leaving a day early, have to avoid actually being on the same plane as other executive board members, and staying at a different hotel, again to avoid having to be with the Portland Area Local or Oregon State delegations, the bullfrog immediately began seeking meetings with National APWU officers in another attempt to bring National into the local's affairs. Of course when he does bring himself to speak with anyone from Oregon he puts on his good ole boy front acting as if he is not about to stick you in the back with his knife. Fortunately, the rest of the folks from Oregon already know what he is about and they tend to avoid him also. It is fun to watch him as he ususally sits all by himself as no one wants to be around him. He has become the epitome of a pariah--both with local and, what he does not realize, the National Officers as well. They put up with his tantrums only because he is still in office and look for the day when he is not. Of course he would not be the same bullfrog if he did not vote against at least one motion supported by the local. Anything that the local supports he opposes, as usual. If anything new comes up, look for it here.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't sound like good ole deoderant or mouthwash will cure his problem then? Maybe he's grown so big he needs the extra space?

Anonymous said...

He did not just vote against the rest of the Local, he did not even discuss the resolutions with other local delegates. We are sent to convention as delegates representing the membership. We should not vote on what we personally think is right, we should vote on what we think is best for all the members. The craft directors are all there as automatic delegates. When there were resolutions that were craft specific, that director was questioned on their position. The Portland Delegation, minus Stinson, sat together, shared thoughts, ideas and arguments for and against the resolutions. A leader would have led at the convention. A leader would have checked with his delegation and made sure that all was well with there travel and accommodations. A leader would have met with the delegation and discussed the resolutions. A leader would have led his delegation.

Anonymous said...

Hey Grey Writer,
Any ideas on the Bullfrogs website? Why can't I open anything? Why cant I sign up? Help.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sandman: Maybe it's for looks only, and his six pack of buddies. Remember; soliderity for everyone at 150%. Yea right. Hold your mouse curser over the dog pound and see who is listed. Practically everyone from the local union. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the upcoming Labor Day Picnic at Oaks Park.Okay, it's a different discussion.Could we even consider the issues facing the new president and officers?

Anonymous said...

The issues facing the new officers will be many. The new officers will need to rebuild the respect of the members and management. With out the respect of both, the officers will not be able to do their jobs. I don't expect that they get along and agree all the time, but I do expect them to work together. Some new blood on the board would be nice, but more importantly I think that officers with experience will be necessary. Remember during this next term of office Local Negotiations will be conducted.