Tuesday, July 22, 2008



In case you missed it, I called it right, the bullfrog failed to show up at the membership meeting on Sunday the 20th. He has now missed more the 50% of the meetings this year that he is required to attend. He has again failed to perform the duties that he is required to perform by the local constitution. The vast majority of the members present at the meeting work full time at the Post Office and have families. They gave up their sunny Sunday July afternoon to attend. Bullfrog did not even have the respect for those members in attendance to show up. He even failed to notify anyone that he was not going to attend. If he pulled that stunt at the USPS he would have been charged AWOL and probably would be facing discipline. He is paid a very generous salary to perform certain duties. Those members who did attend were waiting for him to show. Even his few supporters seemed disappointed. I wonder how much longer they can continue to support him after he has failed so many times. Again the local vice-president stepped up and performed the duties of the President. I do not know how much longer the membership can allow this to go on. Charges were filed in the past for his failure to perform his duties. However nothing came of that due to the interference of National Officers. I believe that the membership needs to call this so called president on his failures. I do not know if the local can survive this for another 5 months. He failed to show up to the meetings over the last week. He has done nothing for the Picnic or the Golf tournament. He is nothing more then an overpaid steward. He is not worth the money we pay him.

You need to give the bullfrog a call or drop him and e-mail and tell him you want him to either start fulfilling his responsibilities or step aside and let someone else do the job.

Call him at 503-231-1797 or e-mail him at orbulldog1@verizon.net or gstin29803@yahoo.com


Anonymous said...

How much are we paying this guy? Over $60,000 right? And he can't even come to the meetings like he's supposed to? Why are we still messing around with this joker? Get rid of him!!! If he wants to be a steward instead of a president so badly, let's make sure he gets his wish in this year's election! Boot the frog!

Anonymous said...

Y'keep getting the E-mail address wrong, Gray. Mr. Toad doesn't use AOL any more. The second address should be gstin29803@yahoo.com.

Other than that, keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

I dunt kno whi yoo giz ar meen two bull dog, butt yewr JURKS!!!! Ie thenkt his kool end VERRY smrat!!! Yoo ar all JELOS of hes brian powerz!! En Arstoreya whe talct abowt hawe yoo all ar jest mat bekawse bull dog desnt lik yoor KUNTRY CLUHB ATITOOD!!!! STAWP beeng JELOS!! STOEP been MEEN!!! Yoo er bat menz! Itz BULL DOPG nowt BULL FRAWG!!!! Yoo mat becuz his goeen to BEET yoo ent yoo AWLS gowin to JAOL!! Yoo kno hes jest caryeng about TEH MEMMBIRSHIP!!! Yoo kno hes awl abowt WELL FAIR ov EVREYBODEE!!! Yoo knoo his gived 155 PERSEENT!!!! WEY MOOR TEHN YOO!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Iem somwun elss nowt taht geye taht writt beefor bot hiz RITGH!! Abowt TIHME somoen sayed it!!!!

--ininimoos bot nowt taht geye

Anonymous said...

Ent on moor theng!!! Whey dunt yoo talc abot wen yoo STEELED hes miemrey stik!! Whey dunt yoo GET yoer ohn!! Bukk dog bied it with hes munny end yoo STEELD it!!! Yam, I kno hoo YOO ER!!! GIV BAK TEH MIEMREY STIK!!!!!!!! Lik bill dogh sayed, YOO ERE DESPIKAPLE!!!!

--inonimoos buut kno hoo YOO ER!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree. Boot the Bullfrog. Elect somebody better.

Anonymous said...

Monday he shows up in the office and has no reason/explanation/excuse for missing the meeting on Sunday. I guess King Frog has no reason to answer to anyone, especially his subjects the membership. Wake up Portland! This idiot will run you over to get his ego stroked by management and then back up to blame you for messing up his tires.

Anonymous said...

Think that Mr Toad will show up for the picnic and sweat all over the chicken again? Or is he going to keep hiding?

Anonymous said...

I don't think there will be any chicken this year, but it's free food and plenty of witnesses, so I'm sure he'll make a benevolent appearance.

BTW - I think I saw his thumb drive on eBay. Hope the seller deleted all the smurf porn!

Anonymous said...

So, rumor has it that the BIG DUMMY is now filing grievances at the Plant to shift MVS work to the Clerk Craft. As a Clerk, thank you Greg! I don't know how the truck drivers will take it, but it is a clerk union, isn't it? How the hell did a truck driver get elected? Oh yeah, false and unfullfilled promises!