Saturday, January 3, 2009



Well, for those of us who have been looking forward to the day when Greg Stinson would no longer be in office, tomorrow, 4 Jan 09, will be that day. The membership meeting in November, as is allowed by our local constitution, decided to move the meeting to the first Sunday in January in order to get the new administration in control of the local and to minimize any damage done by the bullfrog. Fortunately, he has not shown his face since the election. Although he has continued to demand to be paid. Amazing, no work and still getting paid, now that is a country club attitude if I have ever seen one. Some folks are wondering what he might do to retaliate against the local, there is now telling what goes on in that small mind. He might try to sue the local or the other members of the executive board which would cost the local some more money and would demonstrate his completely childish, selfish and anti-union attitude. He failed to appeal the election results within 72 hours so he has lost that issue. No matter what he will be out of office as of Sunday night. He is going to have to go back to work. Since he did management so many favors in the time he was in office, maybe he can get that job with management. Now that would be fun.

I would like to see everyone who can at the meeting tomorrow, that will be more fun.


Anonymous said...

I'll be there...

Anonymous said...

Think I'll pass.

Anonymous said...

I'll try. It should be noted that Mr. Stinson is not scheduled on the work schedule for the upcoming week in MVS. Wonder when he is going to return and wreak more havok on our craft? He has been getting paid now for many years as our former craft director and most recently as the local union president, without working or driving. This should be quite a major change for the overweight and out of shape bulldog. Can't wait to see it. Hope he wears some of that sweat free apparel he promotes on his website!

Anonymous said...

Thought for the day: A Pitbull is not the same as a Bulldoggy.

Anonymous said...

Tears4Fears said...
From what I've been told, if the Local invokes the bond on Stinson for his failure to pay back the money for his unauthorized expenses, then he is forever barred from running for, or holding office. That might put a kink in Greg's "Plan B" to get FF Junior to resign for him. I certainly hope that this may be true, and the newly elected President will do just that if the unauthorized credit card charges on the union credit card are not paid in full by midnight tonight by Stinson before his term expires.

Anonymous said...

That would be a bit like doing it doggy style. I love it.

Union Gal said...

Congratulations to all the incoming officers. And thank you to the out going officers for all you have put up with the last 3 years.
It will be a trying time for all of us with the postal service and now we have a strong local that will not cave to mangmentment and will stand strong as the postal service attempts to diminish our worth.
Keep the faith and peace out.

Union Gal said...

oops on the spelling of management or should I say the machiavellian rule of management

Anonymous said...

One of the talking heads of the Republican party just assumed control of the MVS Craft Director. Just when the Nation voted Democratic, we get a Republican controlling MVS. We may be heading down another slippery slope. God help us! Just when we take control of the massive debt left to us all by those conservative republicans, we get another one to control MVS. Go figure?

Anonymous said...

He may be able to dress a moose though. You betcha!

Anonymous said...

Hey; at least we can park the mail when it snows. Those orange Schneider trucks wait till it melts before they move again. Yahoo. So much for delaying the mail huh?

Anonymous said...

MVS is in a world of trouble when the newly elected craft director on his very first mission runs to Greg Stinson for information on Stinsons signed agreement with Lisa Scheer, which turns out to be signed in Stinsons very last day as the local union president. It affects those with split days off. Nobody in MVS even knew about this until after the fact. Then Mr. Stinson fails his DOT physical I guess and is now requesting light duty work. What a putz! In more ways than one. And now our new craft director runs to him for information on what to do. God help MVS in this current situation!

Anonymous said...

So what is Stinson going to do for light duty? Be Lisa Shear's boy? MVS needs to put some pressure on Clinton. Make him do the job he was elected to or resign for the good of the craft. I wonder what Sussan Wang is going to do?

Anonymous said...

Light duty? Isn't that what he has been doing for several years now? A heavyweight on light duty is almost an oxymoron.

Anonymous said...

If he (Stinson) keeps this up, he's going to be somebody's boy! Ouch!

Anonymous said...

A sure fire way to fail a DOT physical if your not female is to come out of the restroom with your urine sample complaining about the toilet seat lid being left up. It tends to raise some eyebrows.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

So Stinson is out of office, and who is picking up the dog turds? Cmon; it's a requirement in Portland. Are they using the plastic bags or somthing else? It's a poopy job I know. Let's pick up the crap and move on.

Anonymous said...

Fashion rule: If your mother drives you to school, you ain't no gangster, pull your pants up!

Anonymous said...

My message to the Bulldog; If you ain't gonna drive, get the Fu*ck out of MVS and take a light duty job. Stop screwing the rest of us. Get a life or get retired! Better yet, get off our roster.

Anonymous said...

Wow, wouldn't it be great if Stinson was assigned as a custodian. Then he would have to clean up after everyone else. Of course he would probably screw that up also.