Well I was hoping that it was pretty much over; that bullfrog had made his last croak and was now safely in hiding waiting for the vote. I found out otherwise the other day, as I will explain. I was walking out to pick up my mail the other day and noticed a very strong stench in the neighborhood. At first I thought one of my neighbors was putting some compost or manure on their garden but as I approached the mailbox the smell became stronger and stronger and it had a familiar stink to it--something I had smelled before. As I could not figure out what could be making this horrible obnoxious odor, I began to walk faster so as to get the mail and return to my house as quickly as possible so as to get away from obnoxious smell. As I opened the door to my box the smell became stronger, almost nauseating so I quickly reached in and grabbed the mail, locked the box, and started back to my house hoping to get away from whatever was causing the stink. I noticed, however, that the smell was still close at hand, even surrounding me. I looked down at the mail in my hand to make sure that one of the neighborhood delinquents had not poop bombed my mailbox. As I sorted through the bills, ads, and magazines I found the source of the stench that was worse than a poop bomb; a letter with bullfrog's home address in the upper left corner. It had the same stink only a little stronger than usual. I was curious as to what he had sent me, could he possibly have discovered my identity and sent me a poop bomb to get even. I cut open the envelope and was almost immediately overcome with the stench. There inside were four pieces of paper; propaganda from bullfrog and his fringe group supporters. As I took the papers out I began to wonder what it was that he had put in there that had such a putrid, rotten odor and there it was; his typical regurgitated made up "facts." Well as I am always interested in what my opponents have to say I held my nose and started to read, hoping that I would find new information or maybe some explanation for his actions. I was disappointed though, as it was just the same old made up "facts" that bullfrog has put out for the last three years.
A quick reading of what the bullfrog wrote shows pretty much the same line he has taken for the last three years—he attacks the rest of the local Executive Board and states nothing of what he is doing to support the members. It is just amazing that he continues to following the same ideas that have produced nothing but upset and problems for the local. Things that have directed the anger of the members towards him. One has to wonder why he does it, if he is so fired up to go after management why does he not that, instead of going after stewards and local officers. He claims that he works at least forty hours a week; however he has not been seen at the office for almost a month, this time. He claims to be 100% committed, yet he only attended 5 of the 33 constitutionally required meetings this year. I cannot figure out how that is being committed, maybe he can explain. He claims he is available 24/7, however, one of my sources told me that he tried to call and e-mail Stinson over the last few days and he received no response at all. I have heard this from many other members, stewards, and officers. I guess he must mean that he is available to his group of 24 supporters for 7 minutes a day. As for the web site he spawned, what another poorly put together crock of steaming horse dung that is. You can only access the site if he gives you permission, like some elitist “Country Club” might do. What is fun though, is that without his knowing, several of the members have obtained access to his site and have shown me what is on his site; sure enough a lot of manure, the dog pound and the fire hydrant award to name a couple. Both of which are aimed at Union members, not management. He continues with his attacks on other members of the Executive Board spewing forth a bubbling cesspool of lies, misleading statements, and vague innuendos. He states that this is what our dues can buy. I am fairly well certain that myself and many other members would not want our dues paying for bullfrog’s own personal hate site. Along with his attacking members, the other major theme I found was his continual pointing out of his own flaws which he sees in others; projecting as it is called. He constantly accuses others of doing things like misusing the local’s funds, when he himself failed to account for his use of the local’s credit card. Furthermore, he states he has the membership's best interests in mind, but when the membership directs him to do something, produce some receipts, or reimburse the local he just ignores the members stating he does not have to do what the members tell him to do. That does not sound like the supporting the members to me, it just smells like more stinking poop. I would love to go on, but you have heard it before and the reek of his propaganda is giving me a headache—just like everything else he has done to the local and its members. I wish I had done what several members did, that is when they saw the letter was from bullfrog, the refused delivery and sent it back. That is almost as good of a message as what will be sent on Monday. I am so looking forward to Monday, it is going to be such a relief when the count is finally taken and the bullfrog is sent back to whatever stinking poop pond he came from. I am glad that there will be no more of his fetid lies stinking up my mailbox anymore.
Hey, want to have some fun? The questions that have arisen over the past few months of Stinson failing to be at the office, failing to attend meetings, failing to account for charges on the local’s credit card, along with all his other failings are still waiting to be answered. I have heard that a lot of members are planning to show up for the ballot counting on Monday so that maybe they can get some answers from the bullfrog. It would be so much fun to watch the count and bullfrog trying to explain himself. It just gives me goose bumps thinking about it.
Just a quick note, I have heard from two of my sources that vice-presidential candidate Randy Hammock after speaking with Joe Cogan has retracted his statement. He apologized for buying into Stinson’s lies without doing some research and offered a public retraction. Though I applaud his renunciation of his propaganda, the damage has been done and it is too late to undo what was done. Maybe there is hope for him.
I too the other day received the same mailing in my mailbox. Seeing's how I had already voted and it was getting late in the campaign before the votes are counted, I wondered why he even bothered to even mail it out. I mean, isn't a bit like "too little too late" and a day short (or week)? I just set it aside and never read it, just gave it a quick glance. But after this burning ember article, I decided to go back to it and read it. Despite the typo errors and such, I got through it. Too much there I could comment on; so we'll just make one or two. He accuses others of not working 40 hours a week, yet where has he been? Then he states IF re-elected he will work a minimum of 40 hours a week. Now if he hasn't over the past three years, why do we think he will for the next term IF re-elected? Work where? From home maybe and/or with your website? I don't know if telecommuting is an option here?
The day many have been awaiting is finally arriving. The votes cast by the members will be counted tomorrow. And we will find out who is staying or going as it may be. Wonder when the results will be made public to the members? Hopefully ASAP.
Have you seen Stinson? It is work for him just to stand up. The guy sweats his arse off at the drop of a hat. So I have no doubt that he will be working a minimum of forty hours a week. There is only so much sleep a man can get.
Think there will be a concession speech from the loser for President? Or will they just stomp out mad yelling things at strangers? It has been said that doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity (or something close to the statement). Do the members re-elect Stinson for another term? Guess we'll see.
How would a concession speech sound? It might start out like: Evur sinse I took eleven wouldheads speedie typo course, my tipping has improuved 110%, and it has helped me git my weebsite up and ruining for them memburs. I promis thee memburs to have bun availeeble 24/7. So jist giver me a call or eemail me for farther informition. Until we do do a recunt of all thee ballits I reemean yur presidente...
Concession speech (conclusion): Remembur to viset my weebsite and be sure to chick out the fire hydrated award section, one of my favourites really. And I promese ya'll in the futurd to advance me typo skills. As a meter of fact, I heve sinned up for an advanced class in spilling checkered fur bitter pronounciatian of wurds. That spiel checkered is an amazeeng thang rilly. I cunt wait for thee class. But me stunt dooble has alreedy cumpleted it. He is quit good ate it aktually. He ilso has the copy mee to paste thang duwn too. So; as I cluse, pleese giver me anuther term as yur presedent. Thanky ta yuu awl. Presydent Greg the "Gulldog" Stinsun.
Winners tonight: Dunsmore, Cogan, Battle, Olson, and Baldwin. Actually, the biggest winner tonight is the membership. Starting on January 4th, you will have new leadership in the local. Clinton won by 2 votes over McEvers. God help the MVS.
Just look at those numbers! Everybody running with Brian Dunsmore won by a landslide, except for the MVS director.
Steve Clinton won't last a month. He has already told some of the other drivers that he just ran so he could give MVS to Stinson when Stinson lost.
I think the only question still out there is if MVS will take Stinson back.
It is over. It is time to start anew and get this local back on track. 59 votes, ha. It should be obvious to him now that he is finished.
Overall I am delighted with the election results. I am dissappointed in the MVS election which was not won by any big majority, giving it "NO MANDATE". But we did get change (whether wanted or not), and quite frankly from rumor may see even more change. When you see Steve Clinton make Greg Stinson his chief or top steward, lookout. Then we will be heading down another slippery slope. Once that is done, Steve may resign his position as craft director and send things to a vote at the local membership meeting for Stinson. Remember back to Jim Glasscock, then to Greg Stinson?This is where all who did not vote for Clinton and don't want Stinson back again as craft director will need to attend the union hall meeting(s) for more voting. The old hand off or bait and switch routine. We didn't vote for or elect Stinson as our craft director; and for some strange reason a majority of only 1 or 2 voted Clinton into that position. Be carefull what you wish for has been said, you just might get it. Well the majority of MVS in at least tours 1 & 2 don't want Sinson again in that position, and probably though I haven't done the math hold the majority vote. When you see these things starting to happen; attend the local meetings at the union hall. Your representation may be worth your lack of sleep for those on a night shift. Think about it.
It looks like very low voter turnout for the MVS/VMF crafts! Not good.
Okay, let's see...59 people voted for Fat F*ck, and 563 people voted and said enough is enough. This must be that small group of Executive Board Officers and members that have been conspiring against him over the last 3 years. What a clown. Being one of the 563, does that make me part of the country club, too?
Hey Tears! Welcome to the club. We'll have your exclusive blue blazer with ensignia ready for you after you finish your round of golf with the E-board. Meet you by the pool later for cocktails.
Way to go 563 people, I thought it might be more. I was one of the 563club also. Wish we would have done better in MVS!
Now we get Fat F*ck back to MVS, unless of course he can't get passed the required DOT Medical Examination for a DOT Card. Then if he does; then he also has to be re-trained on all the new trucks that have been purchased after he left. Then if passing all that, he then has to show up and do the route he bid on. It's a few hoops I know, but for Greg is is gonna cause him to sweat.
Steve Clinton was a squeeker over Ralph McEvers. Kind of like that silent fart that slips out while everyone is enjoying the clean air, then it creeps up on ya and kind of grabs you by the throat, while your eyes water up a little and your nose twitches. Then it's all out am I gonna barf or not?
Hey Gray Writer - How about a poll on how long it takes for Clinton to resign? I say he won't make it to his first E-board meeting -
I might suggest that McEvers remove all of his own personal computers from the blue room before leaving his position; and leave Clinton with what was there when McEvers first arrived there. You know, all of those old computer systems most likely loaded up with porn from the previous MVS craft director, running an old operating system and most likely running slow. It's the least he could do.
What makes anyone think that President-elect Dunsmore would allow Stinson to be a steward? There is no way in hell I would let that incompetent idiot pretend to represent if it was my choice. Put his ass in a truck.
Clinton may like to think he can give the MVS craft director position to Stinson through the backdoor, but it ain't going to happen that way. Maybe Stinson should ask his pals at the DOL how they would view Stinson and Clinton circumventing the election process.
All I can say for now for MVS is "to be continued" most likely. Not knowing exactly how all that union stuff works, I certainly hope it is up to president elect Dunsmoore and not Clinton pertaining to whom is and isn't a steward. I have only spoken with Dunsmoore twice in total, and both times out at Sunset DDC, but you can be sure I would again if this issue arrises. I know he will at least listen if nothing else.
The craft directors (clerk, maintenance, MVS) can make recommendations to the president, but the decision to appoint a steward is up to the president. Look for stewards to be appointed after Jan. 4th who have a certain level of ability, or the potential to reach that level of ability. The membership deserves stewards who can/will represent them, not just be best buddies with the president.
A brief history of the current Portland Local president:
Jan 2006 - Dec 8, 2008 (about 5 PM)
Dec 8, 2008 (after about 5 PM)
whimper, whimper, whine
Wait until Stinson has to hop up in and out again of the trucks for 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week. He hasn't physicly worked 40 hours a week in years. That includes loading and unloading the mail. Wanna bet anyone if he looses a few pounds? Either by sweat or real actual work.
It is hard to believe MVS did not support McEvers. This Craft Director is there every day at Plant. He works with other crafts, and is open to Mail Handlers for information on assignments and management actions. He collborated with other crafts to support MVS. knowing that what happens to others will eventually happen to MVS.
McEvers, always ready to listen and explain what's going on, even to this clerk. Tight and assured-McEvers knows the contract.
McEvers ready to explain a posting, squash a rumor or remind you about a membership meeting.
What a sad state to see such an advocate treated in this manner.
McEvers could always assure members that the violation he addressed was true and the resolution just to the union.
Hard to understand how anyone could believe the opposition.
What are they thinking?
Well; Mr. Clinton thought otherwise and stirred up some rumors on his tour-3 craft. Then he whined about Ralph not driving, even though he is on the ODL and becomes MIA (missing in action) during winter weather. He thinks he knows best what is good for the craft; but he is in for a real eye awakining when he actually has to do the job. Oh yes, he will get all of his opinions and support from the "Gulldog"; but he doesn't understand the graveyard shift at all. And he will only support his tour-3 buddies much like Stinson did! We will see how it goes; but expect a ruckus in the near future.
I personally am going to hang on to Mr. Clintons campaign flyers and re-print them up in the future as needed. In other words, will hold him accountable to what he pledged during the election. I don't see him driving anyware near 40 hours a week after the presedence that has been set by the previous two craft directors. And I know his attendendance record, which is poor at best. And I know his mindset some as to where his advice will come from; guess who, Mr. Stinson. Go figure. It isn't change, but more of the same for awhile for this craft. That's really too bad when we do need some stability!
Anyone else smelling that silent fart creeping up on ya? My eyes are starting to water up and my nose is twitching some. I think the big bang is around the corner.
From what I've been told, if the Local invokes the bond on Stinson for his failure to pay back the money for his unauthorized expenses, then he is forever barred from running for, or holding office. That might put a kink in Greg's "Plan B" to get FF Junior to resign for him.
First time post. I saw a printout for this blog awhile back but it had the url cut off the bottom of the page. Just recently found it.
I dont give a crap about remaining anonymous nor I give a crap about what anyone cares of my opinion. Anyone who knows me knows I 1. Call them as I see them, 2. Shoot from the hip, and 3. Dont pull any punches.
My name is Wayne, I am a steward. I am proud of my track record of standing up for Workers Rights and proud of what I have accomplished in my battle with the seemingly endless incompetence that is never in short supply within the Portland District.
I do not believe in circle jerks, I do not believe in mob mentality,
I do believe in holding management accountable to the wrong they perform on a daily basis for all crafts represented by the local.
I believe in working to a limited degree with management to create a healthier, productive, work environment. Part of that working is the grievance process. Allot of the times it takes a boot in their ass for them to see the errors of their ways.
I believe in results. Not by the sheer numbers of grievances filed, but by the numbers of awards won.
During my year or so as a Steward, I have ran into some real pieces of work representing Management. I have taken up those battles and worked dilligently to solve the problems. It has not always been easy because my family is number 1 priority and sorry to say, Union matters have taken a backseat at times when family matters popped up.
Everyone needs to give Cheryl Walton a round of applause because she almost single handedly handles all of the stations. Come January 1st she will have the remaining 4 that I have as I am going to tour 1. I have tried in the past to handle more stations and the sheer volume overwhelmed me and family as well as medical issues arose which resulted in me turning allot of stations back over to her.
When I did have up to 14 stations (think around that many..would have to look at the last stewards list), I was extremely overwhelmed and I still to this day have no idea how Cheryl handles all of them.
Which brings me to my comments on all the drama in the last year.
Cheryl has a huge problem getting the steward time she needs from management at Cherry Blossom.
Side Ramble, the 2 main problems I have had with Mr. Stinson are
1. His complete disregard in pursuing the task of a Mirror Position for Cheryl so she can attend to her steward activities,
and 2. His screwing with the steward list resulting in Management attempting to throw out grievances.
Now back to Cherry Blossom. Cheryl is the first line of defense when it comes to grievance activities at just about all of the stations. She needs to have someone fight for a mirror position as she spends a huge amount of her own time fighting for workers rights.
I came after all of the drama was well established between Mr. Stinson and the Current Executive Council. When I first attended the meeting I thought it was a modern day witch hunt.
I used to attend the meeting and always thought of bringing some popcorn and jelly beans and sitting back and watching the show....better than ER drama in its prime, it was like watching a WWF show live.
I even spoke up at a couple of meetings and basically said "cant we all just get along?"
I wont go into what the accusations being thrown back and forth were, some were confirmed by Mr. Stinson and some were not. At the end of the day, I screamed in my head DOX or STFU.
Now onto the number 2 problem that I have listed above.
I hear many things from many different people. I heard that Mr. Stinson sent out a letter stating that he alone had the authority to designate stewards for any reason. There were several stations where a letter was drafted for me so I could immediately go and represent Union Members that day.
There were many grievances settled as a result of those letters that were not signed by Mr. Stinson and many that were settled that were signed by Mr. Stinson. Some of those grievances went up the chain to step 2 and 3.
I have had several conversations with Mr. Stinson telling him point blank that I did not care about the infighting he was having with the others, I wanted him to leave my grievances alone because I was there to hold management accountable and represent the workers.
I thought I had made myself crystal clear because we had a 5-10 minute conversation each time. I did not want the clerks I represented to be collateral damage in the pissing contest at the union hall.
Well they did become collateral damage. I busted my ass going to stations and cleaning them up as best I could. When I felt I addressed(sp) most of the problems I added another station.
I am proud of the work I have accomplished in cleaning up Tigard, West Slope and Lents(pain in the ass one), and I was extremely proactive in resolving problems at some of those stations before they happened. Those stations have a healthier work environment now (IMO), and Management has stepped up to be the leader of the ship and take proactive approaches to ensuring their workers safety and morale.
It is no secret that West Slope has had a few recent bumps and I have tried my best to fix those...the issues have been addressed(sp) with the grievance process and will gain resolution soon.
So where does the local go from here. Not my decisioin as I am just a lowly steward.
All the baaawing and belly aching can come to an end now as a new administration is coming in.
I do not go to the Union Hall very often because I am pretty mobile with my steward activities.
But I went their today,
I asked President Elect Mr. Dunsmore point blank (paraphrased) if things were going to change when the full power of the Local had solidarity behind it in regards to management.
I really dont give two shits about all the past infighting and at now it is a moot point.
What is not a moot point, is the collateral damage that has been done to the members as a result of the infighting. I will say that I believe the Executive Council battle with Mr. Stinson (including trustee ship) that they were acting with what they felt were the workers best interests in mind. I think that they felt their battle with Mr. Stinson would have destroyed the local and their would have been no local representation for the members. It was a catch 22, they felt they had to apply chemo to internal cancer, and yet at the same time it was destroying the very thing they were trying to protect.
This is just a synopsis of an outsiders viewpoint of the last year or so of what I have seen looking in.
There have been times that clerks have asked me what is going on at the union. There really was no simple answer as I simply did not want to get involved in a pissing match.
I concentrated more on informing them that what happens there is between them and my job was to make sure they got the representation they were lacking for so long.
Tigard for instance, it took a very long time to gain the trust back of the clerks as they felt the Union had completely failed them, and in some aspects they were correct.
Hell, I used to even call the Union hall and the calls would go unanswered and unreturned.
That has changed now. When I call now, Christy is always cheery and eager to answer questions and she always emails me documents from management pertaining to my stations.
Why the hell am I writing a novel about all of this now?
I feel the general membership of the Local should hear a different perspective about what has happened from someone who came in after the dramafest started and who had collateral damage as a result of it.
TL;DR Baaawing time is over, time to get down to business and strengthen the local.
Left this out in post above
1. Mr. Dunsmore's response to the question was "Absolutely"
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