Monday, January 19, 2009



Though it has been weeks since he was given the boot it seems that the odor of Stinson's blunders is still hanging over the local. It is bad enough that he continued to attack the Clerk Craft throughout his stint, unfortunately it seems that he now has turned on his own craft. The lame-duck agreement signed by Stinson on his way out the door is just another typical bit of Stinson stupidity. I was provided a copy of the agreement and have shown it to others and the response has been unanimous; how could he put his name to an agreement that purports to be for 18 months, when it can be canceled by either party with 30 days notice? Which means that management is probably going to cancel the agreement, resume subcontracting, and refuse to negotiate any changes to the split days off on MVS routes. Thanks a lot Greg, you really know how to screw over your fellow employees, oh wait, they are not your fellow employees as you have not come back to work yet. I mean you failed your DOT physical and have refused the light duty offer from your friends in management. I have heard that you are currently on sick leave, hiding again, from those you screwed over while you were in office. So, the effects of your agreement with management will not affect you since you will not be driving. Well, I guess that is what MVS gets for helping put you into office. Now, your little minion Steve Clinton will have to fend for himself. No experience, no knowledge, makes me wonder how he will handle any issues for the Craft. Oh, wait, he is going to run to you for help. How just, you will have Clinton handling your grievances with your guidance, wow maybe then you can screw yourself. How poetic. Maybe it is time to look at that 204b detail.

Whatever happens it will not be long until Stinson fades into oblivion and anonymity. His stink will soon be gone and with that this blog will change its focus. For the people who follow this blog, the time has come for this writer to put some of the heat on management. We have some pretty awful people in management who deserve a bit of the heat; maybe some of the supervisors or the FMLA office who knows. There are lots of issues that need to be exposed. I would like to address issues that matter to the local and the members of the local. Some ideas would be FMLA, FECA, leave issues, and such. If anyone has any topic or question in particular please leave a comment on this blog and I will contact my sources in the local and give you the best opinion I can.

Along with that, though I have great confidence in the new local executive board, I will continue to monitor and report on issues affecting the local and will apply heat as needed. Let me know what you want to hear, otherwise I will write and post as I can. I do have some good tales to tell about some of the folks in management that will be quite entertaining.

Saturday, January 3, 2009



Well, for those of us who have been looking forward to the day when Greg Stinson would no longer be in office, tomorrow, 4 Jan 09, will be that day. The membership meeting in November, as is allowed by our local constitution, decided to move the meeting to the first Sunday in January in order to get the new administration in control of the local and to minimize any damage done by the bullfrog. Fortunately, he has not shown his face since the election. Although he has continued to demand to be paid. Amazing, no work and still getting paid, now that is a country club attitude if I have ever seen one. Some folks are wondering what he might do to retaliate against the local, there is now telling what goes on in that small mind. He might try to sue the local or the other members of the executive board which would cost the local some more money and would demonstrate his completely childish, selfish and anti-union attitude. He failed to appeal the election results within 72 hours so he has lost that issue. No matter what he will be out of office as of Sunday night. He is going to have to go back to work. Since he did management so many favors in the time he was in office, maybe he can get that job with management. Now that would be fun.

I would like to see everyone who can at the meeting tomorrow, that will be more fun.