Saturday, November 22, 2008




In what has to be the most brilliant example of 110% dedication with 24/7 availability and working 40 hour weeks Greg Stinson has disappeared. He has not been seen at the office all week, nor has he been in contact with anyone who matters during that time. Just to refresh the memory he has also did not show to the Executive Board meeting over a week ago. This has to be some super secret campaign technique since no one can figure it out. Someone please help me understand his secret plan. Maybe he is just pouting after Evelyn Dalton made a mailing with one of his opponents Ken Piper. Who knows? Along that line be sure to read Burning Ember 22 and the comments on Burning Ember 25. These really shed some light on the lack of experience and dedication on these two candidates.

Something else to be considered, the business of the local has been kept running in bullfrog's absence, like it has for the last three years by the other members of the executive board and the local's office staff. Which clearly shows that we need to keep these people.

Please vote.

I cannot explain the sheer joy I felt when I marked my ballot, knowing that the local's nightmare will soon be over.

Sunday, November 16, 2008





The election is just around the corner and the propaganda is starting to flow. I just received a copy of Sinson's little flyer and it is just amazing how many unsubstantiated "facts" the bullfrog is slinging around. Aside from the misspellings, poor grammar, and improper word usage which though distracting, have become Stinson hallmarks, he throws out a lot of stuff that just seems to be him projecting. For those who do not know what projecting is it is when a person assigns or credits their feelings or weaknesses to another person--something that Stinson does regularly. For example, in the flyers that I received, Stinson makes reference to "the Country Club Executive Board." The problem is that the term is so undefined that no one knows what the heck is he writing about. He uses this inflammatory language in an attempt to defame the other members of the executive board, yet he fails to define or support his contention or even provide the smallest of examples to support it. Some questions do come to mind though that demand answers from him.

For example, is he speaking of the current executive board? Since he is on the executive board does he include himself? How is it that the executive board is a "Country Club?" What do they do that makes him think so? Just so you know, he is a member of the executive board and the only one who makes purchases with the union issued credit card and refuses to account for his purchases, things like extra airline tickets to Las Vegas. He is the one who was investigated by the Department of Labor for misuse of the union credit card at the National Convention in Philadelphia. He is the one who gets paid to be at meetings and fails to attend. At last count, he has only attended 5 of the 28 meetings so far this year. He is the one that sends letters to management that harm the local. He is the one who pulls grievances, sells out stewards, and makes backroom deals with management for his own benefit. He is the one who is being paid to do a job, however, according to my sources, he failed to even show up at the office all day last Thursday or Friday or explain what Union related business he might be on, though he might have been on union business, if you count campaigning for local office as such. These actions all seem to demonstrate a "Country Club" attitude more than anything else, yet he wants to project his "Country Club" attitude and behavior onto the other members of the executive board.

However, let me point out that eight of the ten executive board members work full time at the Post Office and have to give up time from work and families to perform their union duties. Someone needs to explain to me how giving up overtime, vacation time, and family time constitutes a "Country Club." Stinson needs to stop projecting his faults onto others. Stinson needs to answer and be held accountable for his actions, a real man would.

Some members are going to question him at membership meeting to get answers. It should prove to be an interesting meeting. You should be there to get answers as well--and then when you receive your ballot you should hold him accountable for his actions and send him away.

Thursday, November 13, 2008





Well the ballots are not even in the mail and Greg Stinson has already failed to meet one of his promises, that of being available 24/7 for members and that he would give 110%. I have just heard from my sources that again the bullfrog failed to perform his constitutional duties, that being attendance at the November 2008 Executive Board meeting. Of course he failed to answer his phone and that does not seem to being available 24/7 to me. So, again he gets his pay and does not perform his duties and continues to make empty promises. It is going to be fun watching him sweat and twist in the wind as he tries to explain this at the General Membership meeting, along with the questions that have gone unanswered for the past several months. It promises to be one hot meeting. There are some very angry members who have been waiting for Stinson, who purports himself to be "available 24/7," to answer some questions, such as why he still not has not reimbursed the local for the extra airline ticket to Las Vegas that he charged to the local's credit card without authorization by the membership and of course there are the other unexplained charges. It is amazing that he thinks that the members of the local are so naive as to believe his empty promises--promises that have no substance and meaning just a lot of hot air.

Saturday, November 8, 2008






Ballots will soon be out. I already listed out those whom I endorsed for office. Bullfrog's misdoings have been numerous and therefore had to be summarized and listed. It is my opinion that in order repair the local and make it strong again we have to keep these things in mind when we vote.

  1. Stinson completely ignores the will and direction of the membership.

  1. Stinson refuses to be accountable for his actions to members of the local.

  1. Stinson has, at the very least, misused local funds and refuses still to account for the use of those funds.

  1. Stinson, either intentionally or in clumsy attempts to gain control of the local, gives tools to management to use against the local, that being letters changing long standing policy and procedure, giving management unprecedented power and say in the internal workings of the local. He is fast becoming management’s favorite tool.

  1. Stinson kills grievances and enters into agreements secretly with management to the detriment of the interests and needs of the local members.

  1. Stinson actively sought to have APWU National put the local under trusteeship, even to the point of begging. He admitted to doing so in several meetings. The trusteeship cost the local a lot of money. Stinson was seeking to take away the right of the local members’ to change the local constitution.

  1. Stinson works mostly for his own craft, ignores maintenance craft, and attacks the clerk craft.

  1. Stinson rarely shows to the union office, yet in a blatant double standard he insists that other officers be at the office on a schedule he dictates. He went after the local vice-president for allegedly not being at the office, yet he rarely makes an appearance himself.

  1. Stinson continually violates the local constitution. He fails to meet even the most basic of requirements; that of attendance at the Executive Board, Executive Council, and General Membership meetings.

  1. Stinson failed to meet any of his campaign promises. One in particular, he promised to “take an aggressive stance with management,” the only aggressive stance he has taken has been against union members, such as the other members of the local executive board and any member who supports them.

I have seen or have in my possession all the documents that support all of the above reasons. For further details, feel free to review the archived blogs on this site.

Saturday, November 1, 2008



Well the nominations are in and the ballots will soon be out. I attended the October meeting and I was surprised by some of the nominations for office. The word who came to mind as some of the names were read off. Maybe you will have the same reaction. I had to ask some of the other members who were there who some of the people were that were nominated. Several offices had only one nominee. I was pleased to see that at least four of the offices will be filled by some very good people and highly skilled members. These four also bring a wealth of experience. The contested offices also have some very good people running. I have made my choices and I am going to work hard to make sure they get elected in spite of the dirty tricks that the Stinson is already trying. It is going to be a tough campaign. Below is a list the offices and folks who are in the running. My personal endorsements for them follow. As far as the offices of president and vice president are concerned, it looks as though "Send in the Marines" should be the slogan, and they are a couple of tough, butt-kicking Marines when it comes to dealing with management.



Kevin Fraser.





--Brian Dunsmore

--Ken Piper

--Greg Stinson


--Joe Cogan

--Diane Randall

--Randy Hammock


--Debbie Battle

--Evelyn Dalton


--Patty Olson

--Deborah Morton-Hamlet


--David Baldwin

--Louis Deoca


--Ralph McEvers

--Steve Clinton

My recommendations: (In bold type)


Brian Dunsmore is the only choice. He has demonstrated time and again all of the qualities needed by a local president. He has stepped in as president repeatedly over the last three years. He brings a wealth of knowledge of the contract, union, and issues affecting the members of the local. He has demonstrated the skill needed to deal with the issues. He puts in the time needed to give the members the best representation possible. He does his best to make certain that the stewards are supported. He has also been instrumental in seeing the local through the problems brought on it by Stinson. Making any other choice for this office will mean a continuation of the problems that have plagued the local and its members.

As far as Ken Piper is concerned, to me he has not demonstrated the dedication that is needed by the president of the local. He rarely attends meetings and rarely participates in union activities. His only motivation for running is that he does not like the other candidates. He has sat on the sidelines for the last few years and only recently even started handling a few grievances. In my opinion, he lacks in knowledge and experience as well. Furthermore, I question his dedication to the union's causes in general as he shops and supports places like Wal-Mart which abuse their employees and actively fight against any their employees having rights. Supporting such places is decidedly anti-union and therefore Ken would not be a good choice as president.

As to Greg Stinson, there will be a blog about his abject failures during his time in office. In the meantime, read some of the previous posts on this blog to help refresh your memory. I have to laugh to hear that he even thinks he has a chance. I have even heard that he is going to challenge the election if he loses. His challenge will be on some technicality that he should already know. He is holding this like an ace up his sleeve. He thinks if he challenges the election that he will stay in office. He Greg get a clue--that ace up your sleeve is really the 2 of clubs. The Department of Labor says that any election will stand even if challenged. If the challenge is upheld, then the election stands until a new election is held. Nice try bullfrog, but it seems you cannot even get that right.


Joe Cogan is the hands down choice for this office. He is the local's most experienced officer. He has the dedication, knowledge, and experience. He has negotiated several Local Memos. He has done and won numerous grievances. Has even done and won some arbitrations. He is so far ahead of the other candidates for this office in qualifications that there should be no doubt as to who should be elected.

Retiree Diane Randall, does anyone remember her and the problems she brought to the local. I have heard the horror stories and it scares me gray. I seriously question her dedication, as she has only been to three or four meetings in the last three years and then only to pursue her own interests. She did not even show up to the nominations in October. Now there is some dedication. She has not been active in union activities for quite some time and is lacking in current experience. She should not be given any consideration for office at all. If you think otherwise, ask someone who was here when she was in office, that should remove all doubt.

As far as Randy Hammock all I can say is who? No disrespect meant, only no experience, unproven dedication, and no demonstrated ability. He has also only been to one meeting, that one being the nominations.


Debbie Battle is my choice for this office. She has proven herself and her dedication time and again. She has put in long hours, even in the face of some extreme personal adversities she continued to perform. She has made sure that the local's bills are paid and financial records are accurate and correct. She sacrifices a lot of personal time to do the job right. She is also a no doubt choice.

Evelyn Dalton is not the best choice. She has some experience and knowledge. I do question her dedication to union issues and her support Stinson in some of his blunders in the past brings her motivation into doubt.


David Baldwin
should be the only choice for this office. He has years of devoted service to the union and the local. He has fought for members rights repeatedly. He will bring great knowledge and skill to the job. He also has the experience as he currently is the editor of the Oregon Stater, the Oregon APWU's newspaper. No question here.

Louis Deoca I laughed out loud when this name was nominated. Really, I thought this was a joke. This man lacks dedication, he has only been to three meetings in the last four years. He lacks knowledge as demonstrated by the grievances that he files. He lacks skill and his only motivations are purely selfish and self-serving. Furthermore, in my opinion, he does not even have a basic grasp of the English language, as also demonstrated by his grievances. I would fear for the future of the Poker if he were elected. The Poker is read and respected by many on the national level, Louis' lack of ability would not only mean the loss of respect, but also would probably mean the end of the Poker as a means of information and connection from the local.


Patty Olson is the clear choice for this office. Along with years of experience as an officer and a steward, she has kept in touch with issues that affect the members of the local both directly and indirectly. She would be a great asset to the local in this office.

Deborah Morton-Hamlet no real experience, little knowledge, no demonstrated dedication to the union or the union's issues. I doubt she would look out for local's or the members of the local interests.


Ralph McEvers should take this vital office. He has served his craft well. He has worked hard to make sure that his craft and the local's interests are served. He has put in the time and effort to learn the job and to do it well.

Steve Clinton, no experience, no knowledge, no skill, no way. Steve continually demonstrates all of the best qualities of a minion in that all he knows or does is what Stinson tells him.

That is it. My choices for the contested offices. The people I support have demonstrated that they will serve the member's and the local's interests. They will bring the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to fix the problems of the past few years so that Stinson and problems that he has inflicted on the local will become a sad, but dim memory. Most of the other candidates are only Stinson's minions who want to take control of the local and turn it into their own personal Country Club. I strongly endorse my selections and I will do whatever I can to see that they are elected. Let's get with it. Look for the posts on my reasons not to vote for Stinson coming soon.