Well, it happened again, the bullfrog again failed to perform his required duties and show up to the all of the local meetings that he is required to attend. He has been almost a complete no show at any meetings since April. It seems as though he is trying to avoid being held accountable for his actions over the last few months. One might think that with nominations for local offices coming up next month Greg Stinson would not miss an opportunity to try and perform some political maneuvering. However, his fear of having to answer for his failures and blunders it seems is keeping him from showing his face in public. He rarely even says anything, although one my sources forwarded a copy of an e-mail that Stinson sent to several members of the local executive board implying that they were mentally ill; another personal attack instead of working together for the good of the local. I guess he senses some degree of security hiding behind his computer screen or his caller id, where he does not have to face people who are seeking answers. His fear of being held accountable keeps him in hiding. Along with this fear he seems to have great contempt for the members of the local. Let me explain. The membership is the highest governing body of the local. Stinson was directed by the membership to not come into the office a couple of mornings a week in order to allow the office secretary and the local Secretary/Treasurer time to do their work without being harassed by Stinson. Well, in recent days the bullfrog has decided he can do whatever he wants—completely disregarding the direction of the membership. My sources relayed to me that Stinson did show up at the local executive board meeting last week; the first one in months. When questioned by other members of the local executive board about his failure to abide by the directives of the members his response was that he was not going to let the membership dictate when he could come to the office. Wow again, he acts in complete defiance of the directives of the membership, though he does not have the courage to state this in front of the membership meeting. This single act alone is a far more serious than any of his other blunders. Even his messing with the stewards list, his sneaky video recording of people in his office, his underhanded agreements with management, and his failure to perform his required duties as local president all pale in comparison. By refusing to do as he was directed by the membership he is stating that he can do anything he wants as local president and can completely ignore any oversight by the members like some sort of petty dictator. Well the time to start making changes is fast approaching. The first step will be the nominations of people for local offices. The nominations will be held at the October General Membership Meeting. That meeting will also provide another opportunity to hold Stinson accountable and to get answers to questions that have arisen the last few months. One only needs to review the posts on this blog prior to the meeting in order to refresh the memory. After the nominations are made then the political campaigning will start. I am certain that the bullfrog will continue to skulk about the plant as he has done the last few weeks in a vain attempt to gather votes. Maybe he can use some of his old campaign literature; I have some copies, where he promises to go after management to protect the rights of members. Members need to keep in mind though that Stinson has failed to go after management and has instead inflicted numerous problems and blunders on the local since he has been in office.
In the meantime, join the other members at the October meeting and start supporting the good candidates the will come forward. You can also come and demand that Stinson account for his misdoings; I doubt that you will get any intelligent answers. You can call on his 503-819-7298.
You can also e-mail him at,