Here we go again. Having failed numerous times to find any misdoings with which to attack other members of the local executive board and the members of the local who oppose him, the frustrated bullfrog is trying other things. So now with all the forethought a of blundering lummox Greg Stinson is once again ineptly reaching into his bag of slimy tricks in what will prove to be another vain attempt to attack members of the local. This time though his ham-fisted actions are putting the privacy of all members of the local at stake and exposing the local to criminal and civil action. Now it is bad enough that he has taken personal information from the local office for his own use, but now he is stooping to a new low of treachery and deceit. Going back to something he tried to do before and failed at; he again has placed video and sound recording equipment in his office.
The last time he tried this charges were filed against him, however the National APWU intervened and prevented him from being properly disciplined. Now, in spite of a lack of continued support from National Officers, which was clearly demonstrated by the snubbing he received at the recent National Convention, the bullfrog has somehow become emboldened and is trying again to make video and audio recordings of members in his office.
Keeping in mind that he seems to be a very slow learner, one might ask how anyone would know that he has set up his spy gear; my sources have again been most helpful. Other than the fact that he was seen rummaging around in the vent openings, allegedly chasing a mouse, maybe it was Mickey or Minnie, the answer came from his own mouth. When a member, who was in his office, asked if he was recording her he said yes and when she asked him to turn the recording off or step outside to discuss an issue he refused. Well now there is a surprise—the bullfrog again showing no regard or respect for the members. Aside from the fact that it is against the law to electronically intercept or record a conversation without the consent of the person being recorded, this appalling action is a complete violation of the trust and privacy of the members, furthermore who knows where else in the office he has set up equipment.
A steward could be in the conference room discussing something with a member and not even know they were being recorded. They could be discussing discipline or even a serious personal medical, FMLA, or FECA issue and they end up being recorded for whomever to see. No one knows who has access to the recordings; there is no control. Members and others who come to the office have a right to expect a reasonable level of privacy; that is gone. Now, if I were to go to the local office, I will not discuss anything until I know that all covert recording equipment was removed. All members should likewise be concerned.
Maybe we need to purchase some spy gear detection equipment or interference devices and have the office swept clean. I believe we need a new president. All of this is because the bullfrog is looking for anything he can use to attack other members of the executive board and the stewards and members who oppose him. The members now need to hold him accountable. We need to show up to the September membership meeting and seek answers and direct him to remove all recording equipment. More importantly, we need to become active in the local elections this fall. We need to actively discuss the issues that have affected the local over the past years and support openly and actively the good members who will step up and will work toward strengthening the local. I have my eyes open and I am looking to see who is nominated in October. For those who wish to know I will share with you the names of those who I will be supporting.
In the meantime, join the other members at the September meeting and demand that Stinson account for his misdoings. You can call him on his cell at 503-819-7298; be aware he will probably record your conversation. You can also email him,