APWU Local President Greg Stinson finally has made it known; he does not have to do what the membership tells him to do. I have received several pieces of information; e-mail from Stinson, copies of information taken from his personal web site, and letters to Stinson concerning his behavior. Our local constitution states that the membership is the highest authority in the local. In other words what the membership says goes. The bullfrog though has continually demonstrated behavior that would indicate that he thinks he can do as he pleases contrary to the directives of the membership. Recently, however, he let slip and actually spoke openly of his disdain for the membership. Let me explain some of the background. Early in his term the bullfrog demonstrated a propensity to treat women working in the local office with disdain and disrespect. Several women told me that not only would he leer at them and look at them in a sexually harassing manner, but also he would talk down to them in a completely dismissive and disrespectful manner. He continues to do so to this day. In order to prevent further problems, the executive board and the membership voted and directed bullfrog to avoid being in the local office for a few hours in the morning on certain days of the week to allow the women to do their work without being harassed.. He agreed to the stipulations. Recently, though he went back on his word. He showed up to the office at a time he had agreed not to. When asked by the local Secretary/Treasurer if he would honor his agreement to stay out of the office. He told her he was not going to honor his commitment and stay out of the office for the few hours a couple of days a week so she and the other women could work in peace. She reminded him that he had been directed by the membership to do so in the recent membership meeting. Stinson responded, "Like I'm going to let the membership dictate to me when I can come into the office!" So there you have it, from his own mouth he finally confirmed what his behavior has demonstrated for over two years, that he does not care what the membership says--he is going to do what as he chooses. On top of ignoring the membership, he is not going to honor his commitments. Of course there should be no surprise there. He has demonstrated his disdain for women in particular and the membership in general the whole time he has been in office. Now, we just have it from his own mouth. I guess this explains his repeated failure to show up to meetings, as he is required to do. He is avoiding being held accountable for his actions and he does not care about the membership. Well, I have a couple of good sources that have indicated to me that they and other members are waiting to for him to make an appearance. They are going to personally going to question him; they want answers to stewards list issue, his failing to abide by membership directives, and to hold him accountable for his letters to management. Whether it is at the picnic or one of the meetings coming up in September, these people plan to get a hold of him and get some answers. They are tired of his behavior and avoidance tactics. They have been waiting for two months and are frustrated by his failing to appear, but they are most determined. I told them that since Stinson seems to want to show up unexpectedly to the office on days that he agreed not to, that maybe they should show up unexpectedly to the office also; those being Wednesday and Friday before noon. I suggested that they would have a good chance to catch him, but that they should not expect him to speak with them as does not honor his agreements and ignores the will of the membership. You can try to e-mail him, maybe he will respond, I doubt it. orbulldog1@verizon.net or gstin29803@yahoo.com.