I cannot describe how excited I am. The membership has made their voice heard. They spoke and have now shown bullfrog the exit. Isn't democracy grand? I love it. I have to admit that I had some apprehension as I waited for the results. Throughout the night I had several of my sources reporting to me on the counting. Surprisingly, bullfrog came in the back door just before the ballots came downstairs to be counted. He strutted around trying to look important. One of my sources who was there to help with the counting told me early on what the results would be, and he called it quite accurately. I was a bit taken aback by his great insight, but then he told me that after the ballots were opened he helped to put the general ballots into stacks of 25 and as he did course as he did he was able to see the votes. Though he could not make an accurate count, he could see the trend. He related that it was fun to be able to see that Mr. Dunsmore and Mr. Cogan were going to win before the counting actually started. Of course he kept that to himself as he did not want to spoil the surprise for bullfrog. As time passed, the bullfrog's mood started to drop off fast as the numbers began to stack up against him. It became keenly clear very early, almost from the start, that he was not only not going to win, but that he was not even going to get enough votes to even make the race for second close. He sat down on the podium pouting while the count continued. What was funny though was when the folks counting stopped to have some dinner about eight he left without a word. My sources told me everyone just chuckled to themselves and then went back to work. Since then no one has seen or heard from him. When the final count was done the mood in the room was one of elation. Finally, after three years of this moron and his ineptitude we will be free of him. I also want to point out that it was not just a majority in all except one race, it was an overwhelming majority. The bullfrog had his head handed to him on a platter. I just cannot help but say, "Stick a fork in them there frog legs Vern, I think they're done." As much as I hope that it is so, but there are a couple of things that concern me.
The first one is that some of the lame things that Stinson has done to harm the local in general and the Clerks in particular are just coming to light. Another source sent me a copy of an agreement signed by Stinson and Shear where he had Shear agree to send all correspondence to his personal P.O. Box, not the local's address. This little paranoiac power grab has lead to the local being unable to meet time lines on grievances. This has lead to the loss of Clerk jobs at the plant. Bullfrog just had to get one more stick at the Clerk Craft. I am sure that the local will take action to prevent future problems, however we cannot get back the jobs that Stinson has lost.
I just want to ask him, "Hey Greg, you incompetent boob, did you again not think that management would not tell the local what you did? Did you think they would sit on this and keep it secret?" I am constantly in a state of amazement when it comes to Stinson's stupidity. He just keeps on lowering that bar.
Another other thing that concerns me is what damage the lame-duck bullfrog is going to do between now and the day that the new officers that control. We have seen what damage he is capable of over the past few years. Everyone needs to keep their eyes open and watch for bullfrog appearances. When he is spotted question him about what he is doing. See if he can give an sort of an answer. Then go ahead and make a comment on this blog so that others can know and act if needed. We will have to work together to keep the damage to a minimum.
The last thing I am concerned about is what stunts he is going to pull to attack the election results. I just do not believe for a minute that this buffoon is going to return to craft without stirring the poop pot and flinging poop everywhere. It is the only thing at which he has shown any ability. I can imagine that he has called National APWU. He will probably try and challenge the election results with the Dept. of Labor. Then there is the lawsuits. I am certain that now that he is not on the executive board that he will try and sue the local, the other officers, and maybe some of the members. Again, he has shown some ability in this area also.
Now I do not want to be a wet blanket, I just want everyone to keep in mind that it is not completely over yet. I expect bullfrog to croak some more, we just need to continue to keep those pudgy little legs over the fire until they are good and done and gone.
Now as to the MVS race, one question comes to mind, what the hell were those MVS members thinking? Maybe they thought Stinson could win and that would keep him out of their area. Maybe they thought that they could Clinton like a pudgy little place holder for Stinson to take over if things went bad for him. Things though are not always as simple as they seem. If Clinton resigns there will have to be a craft election. Given Stinson's less than stellar results in the general election, I am willing to bet that he will not do any better there. If Clinton does not resign, well MVS will have a Craft Director who cannot even file his own grievances--a director with no experience, no contractual knowledge, and from all appearances no ability to understand anything without having someone draw him pictures with large crayons. I am also fairly certain that there will be no official union position, like assistant craft director or steward for Stinson once he returns to craft--folks are pretty fed up with his antics and they just want him to go away. It is possible that another election could be held for the MVS Director at a membership meeting. I just hope that those thirty or so MVS folks who did not vote show up with the rest and fix this problem.